10 letter words:
- bescrawled18
- lowercased16
- snowblader16
- cornbreads15
- greensward15
- reabsorbed15
- recordable15
- berganders14
- censorable14
- cradlesong14
- garderobes14
- banderoles13
- bandoleers13
- broadeners13
- calendrers13
- congealers13
- endorsable13
9 letter words:
- beclowned17
- becowards17
- becrawled17
- browbands17
- browsable16
- clabbered16
- clobbered16
- scrabbled16
- screwable16
- screwbean16
- downscale15
- drawbores15
- leadscrew15
- recrowned15
- scrabbler15
- wardcorns15
- wardrobes15
- absconder14
- bareboned14
- belabored14
- bongraces14
- cornbread14
- drabblers14
- encodable14
- grabblers14
- lowercase14
- slabbered14
- slobbered14
- barebones13
- begroaned13
- bergander13
- bondagers13
- cerebrals13
- clangored13
- congealed13
- garderobe13
- slabberer13
- slobberer13
- wanderers13
- wonderers13
- wranglers13
- banderole12
- banderols12
- bandoleer12
- belongers12
- broadener12
- calenders12
- calendrer12
- coarsened12
- colanders12
- coleaders12
- conelrads12
- congealer12
- declarers12
- encradles12
- esclandre12
- leeboards12
- orderable12
- racegoers12
- derangers11
- gardeners11
- larceners11
- renegados11
- enlargers10
- oleanders10
- reloaders10
- slanderer10
- sloganeer10
8 letter words:
- becoward16
- becrowds16
- browband16
- beclowns15
- becrawls15
- bedgowns15
- begnawed15
- bescrawl15
- cowbanes15
- crowbars15
- scabbled15
- scrabbed15
- scrowdge15
- wabblers15
- wobblers15
- besnowed14
- bowlders14
- brewages14
- clabbers14
- clobbers14
- clowders14
- cobblers14
- crabbers14
- crowders14
- decrowns14
- dowsabel14
- drawbore14
- escrowed14
- grabbled14
- growable14
- rawboned14
- scrabble14
- scrawled14
- scrowled14
- sowbread14
- wardcorn14
- wardrobe14
- absorbed13
- barbered13
- beaconed13
- bendable13
- blancoed13
- bogbeans13
- bondable13
- bongrace13
- brawlers13
- brocades13
- brocages13
- brocards13
- careworn13
- corbeled13
- crawlers13
- crowners13
- dabblers13
- debacles13
- dowagers13
- drabbers13
- drabbler13
- drabbles13
- gabblers13
- glowered13
- gobblers13
- gowlands13
- grabbers13
- grabbler13
- grabbles13
- ragweeds13
- rebraced13
- recowers13
- recrowns13
- reglowed13
- scrawler13
- snabbled13
- warblers13
- wergelds13
- wordages13
- wrangled13
- absorber12
- answered12
- baconers12
- barebone12
- baseborn12
- belabors12
- belgards12
- belonged12
- boglands12
- bondager12
- bondages12
- braceros12
- brangled12
- carbeens12
- carbenes12
- cerebral12
- congreed12
- cordages12
- decagons12
- decalogs12
- dogbanes12
- drawlers12
- drowners12
- endowers12
- englobed12
- engraced12
- growlers12
- leasowed12
- leewards12
- legwears12
- narrowed12
- nobblers12
- norwards12
- oarweeds12
- obscener12
- rabblers12
- reabsorb12
- rebadges12
- rebraces12
- redwares12
- reendows12
- sorbable12
- wagerers12
- wagoners12
- wanderer12
- wanglers12
- warlords12
- wonderer12
- worsened12
- wrangler12
- wrangles12
- wrongers12
- acrogens11
- adsorber11
- albedoes11
- answerer11
- ascender11
- banderol11
- bandores11
- bandrols11
- barreled11
- beaglers11
- bederals11
- begroans11
- belonger11
- blenders11
- boarders11
- branders11
- brangles11
- broadens11
- caldrons11
- calender11
- candlers11
- celadons11
- censored11
- clangers11
- clangors11
- cleansed11
- cogeners11
- colander11
- coleader11
- conelrad11
- congeals11
- congrees11
- cornages11
- cornered11
- corrades11
- cradlers11
- deboners11
- declarer11
- declares11
- drablers11
- dracones11
- enclosed11
- encoders11
- encradle11
- endosarc11
- englobes11
- engraces11
- erodable11
- garblers11
- gerberas11
- glancers11
- leeboard11
- longcase11
- necrosed11
- racegoer11
- rancored11
- reanswer11
- reascend11
- reblends11
- reboards11
- rebrands11
- reclosed11
- recoaled11
- redbones11
- renewals11
- rescaled11
- rescored11
- resorbed11
- scareder11
- seconder11
- sendable11
- sowarree11
- carolers10
- cleaners10
- cleanser10
- clearers10
- danglers10
- deranger10
- deranges10
- earlobes10
- enablers10
- encloser10
- engaoled10
- enlarged10
- enrobers10
- ensorcel10
- escarole10
- gardener10
- garnered10
- glanders10
- goldarns10
- goldener10
- grandees10
- grenades10
- laborers10
- langered10
- larcener10
- largened10
- recensor10
- recleans10
- regrades10
- renegado10
- seaborne10
- adorners9
- aerogels9
- endorser9
- enlarger9
- enlarges9
- gasolene9
- generals9
- gleaners9
- groaners9
- ladrones9
- oleander9
- readorns9
- reasoned9
- regalers9
- reloader9
- reloaned9
- resolder9
- solander9
- solderer9
- learners8
- reasoner8
- relearns8
- releasor8
7 letter words:
- cobwebs16
- becrowd15
- swabbed15
- swobbed15
- wabbled15
- wobbled15
- bawbees14
- bawbles14
- beclown14
- becrawl14
- bedgown14
- cobbled14
- cowbane14
- crabbed14
- crowbar14
- scabbed14
- swabber14
- swobber14
- wabbler14
- wabbles14
- wobbler14
- wobbles14
- begnaws13
- bewared13
- blowsed13
- boweled13
- bowered13
- bowlder13
- bowlegs13
- brawled13
- brawned13
- brewage13
- browned13
- browsed13
- clabber13
- clobber13
- clowder13
- clowned13
- cobbers13
- cobbler13
- cobbles13
- cowages13
- cowards13
- cowered13
- crabber13
- crawled13
- crowder13
- crowned13
- declaws13
- decrews13
- decrown13
- dowable13
- elbowed13
- gabbled13
- gobbled13
- grabbed13
- lowbred13
- scabble13
- scowder13
- scowled13
- screwed13
- warbled13
- weblogs13
- abscond12
- barlows12
- barrows12
- bawlers12
- beclogs12
- belaced12
- berobed12
- bewares12
- blowers12
- bobsled12
- bocages12
- bogbean12
- boscage12
- bowlers12
- brawler12
- brewers12
- brocade12
- brocage12
- brocard12
- browner12
- browser12
- clawers12
- codable12
- crawler12
- crewels12
- croweas12
- crowers12
- crowner12
- dabbers12
- dabbler12
- dabbles12
- debacle12
- decarbs12
- dobbers12
- dowager12
- drabber12
- drabble12
- gabbers12
- gabbler12
- gabbles12
- gabbros12
- gobbler12
- gobbles12
- gowaned12
- gowland12
- grabber12
- grabble12
- growled12
- nobbled12
- ownable12
- rabbled12
- ragweed12
- rawbone12
- recower12
- recrown12
- rowable12
- scowler12
- scowrer12
- screwer12
- scrowle12
- sewable12
- slabbed12
- snebbed12
- sowable12
- swedger12
- wagered12
- wagoned12
- wangled12
- warbler12
- warbles12
- wardogs12
- wergeld12
- wordage12
- wranged12
- wronged12
- absence11
- acerber11
- arrowed11
- baconer11
- badgers11
- bandogs11
- bangled11
- barbels11
- barbers11
- beacons11
- beagled11
- beglads11
- begored11
- belabor11
- belaces11
- belgard11
- blancos11
- bodegas11
- bodgers11
- bodrags11
- bogland11
- bondage11
- boraces11
- bracero11
- bracers11
- cablers11
- cadgers11
- cangled11
- carbeen11
- carbene11
- carbons11
- cargoed11
- cerebra11
- clanged11
- codgers11
- congaed11
- congeed11
- corbans11
- corbels11
- cordage11
- dawners11
- decagon11
- decalog11
- deewans11
- dogbane11
- dowlnes11
- downers11
- drawees11
- drawers11
- drawler11
- drowner11
- earbobs11
- ecboles11
- encaged11
- endower11
- garbled11
- glaceed11
- glanced11
- glowers11
- gnawers11
- gowlans11
- growers11
- growler11
- leeward11
- legwear11
- lobbers11
- lowered11
- nabbers11
- nobbler11
- nobbles11
- norward11
- oarweed11
- obscene11
- onwards11
- rabbler11
- rabbles11
- rebadge11
- rebrace11
- redowas11
- redrawn11
- redraws11
- redware11
- reendow11
- reglows11
- regrown11
- regrows11
- resawed11
- resowed11
- rewards11
- rewelds11
- rewords11
- robbers11
- roweled11
- slabber11
- slobber11
- snabble11
- swealed11
- sworder11
- wagerer11
- wagoner11
- waldoes11
- wanders11
- wangler11
- wangles11
- wardens11
- warders11
- warlord11
- warsled11
- wedelns11
- welders11
- weldors11
- wonders11
- wrangle11
- wronger11
- abreges10
- acnodes10
- acorned10
- acrogen10
- albedos10
- albergo10
- arbored10
- banders10
- bandore10
- bandrol10
- bangers10
- bangles10
- bareges10
- bargees10
- barongs10
- barreed10
- beaders10
- beadles10
- beagler10
- beagles10
- bederal10
- bedrals10
- bedsore10
- begorra10
- begroan10
- belongs10
- benders10
- bergens10
- bladers10
- blander10
- bleared10
- blender10
- blendes10
- blonder10
- blondes10
- boarder10
- boldens10
- bonders10
- borages10
- bordars10
- bordels10
- borders10
- brander10
- brangle10
- broaden10
- broader10
- brogans10
- brolgas10
- caldron10
- calends10
- candler10
- candles10
- candors10
- cangles10
- carders10
- cardons10
- cargoes10
- caroled10
- celadon10
- clanger10
- clangor10
- cleaned10
- cleared10
- cogener10
- coleads10
- conders10
- congeal10
- congees10
- congers10
- congree10
- corders10
- cornage10
- corrade10
- corsage10
- corsned10
- cradler10
- cradles10
- creased10
- creedal10
- dacrons10
- dancers10
- deacons10
- debaser10
- deboner10
- debones10
- decanes10
- decares10
- decerns10
- declare10
- descale10
- drabler10
- dracone10
- eclosed10
- elanced10
- enabled10
- encages10
- encased10
- encoder10
- encodes10
- encored10
- englobe10
- engobes10
- engrace10
- enlaced10
- enraced10
- enrobed10
- garbler10
- garbles10
- garcons10
- gerbera10
- glancer10
- glances10
- grabens10
- grocers10
- labored10
- leasowe10
- narrows10
- nosebag10
- oracled10
- rebegan10
- reblend10
- reboard10
- rebored10
- rebrand10
- recaned10
- reclads10
- recodes10
- records10
- redbone10
- relaced10
- renewal10
- rewears10
- robands10
- sabered10
- sarcode10
- scalder10
- scarred10
- scerned10
- scolder10
- scorned10
- searced10
- seconde10
- sobered10
- socager10
- solaced10
- swearer10
- warners10
- warrens10
- warsler10
- weanels10
- weaners10
- wearers10
- worrals10
- worrels10
- acerose9
- aerobes9
- alerces9
- angeled9
- angered9
- arbores9
- baleens9
- barrels9
- barrens9
- bearers9
- blearer9
- bonsela9
- boranes9
- boreens9
- branles9
- bransle9
- brasero9
- breares9
- canoers9
- careens9
- careers9
- carnose9
- caroler9
- carrels9
- caserne9
- cereals9
- claroes9
- cleaner9
- cleanse9
- clearer9
- cloners9
- coalers9
- coarsen9
- coarser9
- corneae9
- corneal9
- corneas9
- cornels9
- corners9
- corrals9
- correas9
- creaser9
- crenels9
- creoles9
- dangers9
- dangler9
- dangles9
- dargles9
- derange9
- dogears9
- dongles9
- dragees9
- dragons9
- drogers9
- earcons9
- earlobe9
- elances9
- enabler9
- enables9
- enclose9
- encores9
- engored9
- enlaces9
- enraces9
- enraged9
- enrober9
- enrobes9
- errable9
- escolar9
- ganders9
- gardens9
- gelande9
- gelders9
- genders9
- glandes9
- gleaned9
- gnarled9
- gnarred9
- goldarn9
- goldens9
- graders9
- grandee9
- grander9
- greased9
- grenade9
- groaned9
- laborer9
- labrose9
- lagends9
- lagered9
- lancers9
- ledgers9
- legends9
- lodgers9
- narcose9
- necrose9
- oracles9
- rancels9
- rancors9
- rebores9
- recanes9
- reclean9
- reclose9
- recoals9
- redlegs9
- regaled9
- regards9
- regrade9
- relaces9
- rescale9
- rescore9
- rogered9
- scalene9
- sclerae9
- scorner9
- seconal9
- slanged9
- sledger9
- soberer9
- solacer9
- sondage9
- adorers8
- adorner8
- aerogel8
- anglers8
- darnels8
- darners8
- dealers8
- deaners8
- dreares8
- droners8
- drosera8
- elodeas8
- endears8
- endorse8
- engaols8
- engores8
- enlards8
- enlarge8
- enrages8
- erelong8
- erlangs8
- errands8
- galeres8
- galores8
- gaolers8
- garners8
- garrons8
- general8
- gleaner8
- greaser8
- groaner8
- ladrone8
- ladrons8
- landers8
- langers8
- larders8
- lardons8
- largens8
- leadens8
- leaders8
- learned8
- lenders8
- loadens8
- loaders8
- longers8
- negroes8
- onagers8
- oranger8
- oranges8
- ordeals8
- oreades8
- rangers8
- readers8
- readorn8
- redeals8
- redears8
- redsear8
- regaler8
- regales8
- regears8
- relands8
- relends8
- reloads8
- renders8
- rereads8
- reredos8
- resoled8
- rondels8
- slander8
- slanger8
- slender8
- snarled8
- snarred8
- arenose7
- areoles7
- earners7
- enolase7
- leaners7
- learner7
- loaners7
- orleans7
- rearose7
- reearns7
- relearn7
- reloans7
- serrano7
- snarler7
6 letter words:
- bawble13
- wabble13
- bobacs12
- cabobs12
- bawler11
- brawls11
- clawer11
- crawls11
- scrawl11
- warble11
- absorb10
- babels10
- barbel10
- barbes10
- braces10
- brasco10
- cabers10
- cabler10
- cables10
- carbos10
- carobs10
- coarbs10
- cobras10
- corbes10
- rabble10
- scrobe10
- walers9
- warsle9
- balers8
- belars8
- blares8
- blears8
- borals8
- boreas8
- carles8
- carols8
- claros8
- clears8
- coarse8
- corals8
- labors8
- lacers8
- recals8
- rosace8
- scaler8
- sclera8
SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR - Questions and Answers (FAQ)
- What words can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR?
- What are the longest words that can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR?
- What anagrams can be formed from the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR?
- How many points in Scrabble can we earn for the words formed from the letters S,C,R,A,B,B,L,E,-,W,O,R,D,-,G,E,N,E,R,A,T,O,R?
- How many letters does the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR have? How many vowels and consonants does it have?
What are the longest words that can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR?
The longest word that can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR is the word Banderoles. Number of letters: 10.The second longest word is the word Bandoleers. Number of letters: 10.
What anagrams can be formed from the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR?
Unfortunately, in English, there is no word that is an anagram of the word Scrabble-Word-Generator.How many points in Scrabble can we earn for the words formed from the letters S,C,R,A,B,B,L,E,-,W,O,R,D,-,G,E,N,E,R,A,T,O,R?
The highest-scoring word that can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR is the word Bescrawled. The number of points that can be earned for it is: 18.The second highest-scoring word is the word Beclowned. The possible number of points is: 17.How many letters does the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR have? How many vowels and consonants does it have?
Word Scrabble-Word-Generator - number of letters: 23. The word Scrabble-Word-Generator contains vowels. The number of vowels is: 7. The list of vowels present in this word is: A, A, E, E, E, O, O. The word Scrabble-Word-Generator contains consonants. The number of consonants is: 16. The list of consonants present in this word is: -, -, B, B, C, D, G, L, N, R, R, R, R, S, T, W.How to properly pronounce the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR?
Letter Analysis - word SCRABBLEWORDGEN
The word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR, after removing repeating characters, consists of the letters: A, B, C, D, E, G, L, N, O, R, S, W. Below, we will analyze each one of them.
The letter A in the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 16 | 0,1 |
3 | 89 | 0,6 |
4 | 261 | 1,7 |
5 | 715 | 4,5 |
6 | 1187 | 7,5 |
7 | 1767 | 11,2 |
8 | 2164 | 13,8 |
9 | 2471 | 15,7 |
10 | 2188 | 13,9 |
11 | 1797 | 11,4 |
12 | 1274 | 8,1 |
13 | 849 | 5,4 |
14 | 581 | 3,7 |
15 | 364 | 2,3 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 15 | 0,3 |
3 | 56 | 1,1 |
4 | 314 | 5,9 |
5 | 632 | 11,9 |
6 | 738 | 13,9 |
7 | 935 | 17,6 |
8 | 764 | 14,4 |
9 | 635 | 12,0 |
10 | 504 | 9,5 |
11 | 331 | 6,2 |
12 | 190 | 3,6 |
13 | 108 | 2,0 |
14 | 60 | 1,1 |
15 | 30 | 0,6 |
Number of occurrences of the letter A | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 120405 | 45,0 |
1 | 110558 | 41,3 |
2 | 32580 | 12,2 |
3 | 3868 | 1,4 |
4 | 321 | 0,1 |
5 | 17 | 0,0 |
6 | 2 | 0,0 |
The letter B in the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 5 | 0,0 |
3 | 61 | 0,4 |
4 | 341 | 2,4 |
5 | 871 | 6,1 |
6 | 1566 | 10,9 |
7 | 2290 | 15,9 |
8 | 2610 | 18,2 |
9 | 2356 | 16,4 |
10 | 1692 | 11,8 |
11 | 1186 | 8,3 |
12 | 676 | 4,7 |
13 | 387 | 2,7 |
14 | 197 | 1,4 |
15 | 121 | 0,8 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 2 | 0,6 |
3 | 57 | 16,7 |
4 | 79 | 23,2 |
5 | 55 | 16,1 |
6 | 51 | 15,0 |
7 | 33 | 9,7 |
8 | 31 | 9,1 |
9 | 22 | 6,5 |
10 | 7 | 2,1 |
11 | 3 | 0,9 |
12 | 1 | 0,3 |
Number of occurrences of the letter B | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 226359 | 84,5 |
1 | 38065 | 14,2 |
2 | 3095 | 1,2 |
3 | 230 | 0,1 |
4 | 2 | 0,0 |
The letter C in the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 1 | 0,0 |
3 | 48 | 0,2 |
4 | 307 | 1,3 |
5 | 888 | 3,7 |
6 | 1756 | 7,3 |
7 | 2771 | 11,5 |
8 | 3578 | 14,8 |
9 | 3737 | 15,5 |
10 | 3344 | 13,9 |
11 | 2724 | 11,3 |
12 | 2069 | 8,6 |
13 | 1417 | 5,9 |
14 | 904 | 3,7 |
15 | 576 | 2,4 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
3 | 25 | 0,4 |
4 | 39 | 0,6 |
5 | 124 | 2,1 |
6 | 291 | 4,8 |
7 | 465 | 7,7 |
8 | 749 | 12,5 |
9 | 874 | 14,6 |
10 | 985 | 16,4 |
11 | 945 | 15,7 |
12 | 704 | 11,7 |
13 | 422 | 7,0 |
14 | 248 | 4,1 |
15 | 133 | 2,2 |
Number of occurrences of the letter C | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 183088 | 68,4 |
1 | 72018 | 26,9 |
2 | 11766 | 4,4 |
3 | 836 | 0,3 |
4 | 43 | 0,0 |
The letter D in the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 4 | 0,0 |
3 | 66 | 0,4 |
4 | 318 | 2,0 |
5 | 650 | 4,1 |
6 | 1138 | 7,1 |
7 | 1754 | 11,0 |
8 | 2156 | 13,5 |
9 | 2307 | 14,5 |
10 | 2155 | 13,5 |
11 | 1810 | 11,4 |
12 | 1438 | 9,0 |
13 | 1006 | 6,3 |
14 | 672 | 4,2 |
15 | 443 | 2,8 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 4 | 0,0 |
3 | 76 | 0,3 |
4 | 295 | 1,2 |
5 | 807 | 3,3 |
6 | 2482 | 10,3 |
7 | 3497 | 14,5 |
8 | 4430 | 18,4 |
9 | 4166 | 17,3 |
10 | 3400 | 14,1 |
11 | 2330 | 9,7 |
12 | 1398 | 5,8 |
13 | 671 | 2,8 |
14 | 384 | 1,6 |
15 | 157 | 0,7 |
Number of occurrences of the letter D | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 195400 | 73,0 |
1 | 63632 | 23,8 |
2 | 8083 | 3,0 |
3 | 611 | 0,2 |
4 | 25 | 0,0 |
The letter E in the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 12 | 0,1 |
3 | 58 | 0,5 |
4 | 158 | 1,4 |
5 | 288 | 2,6 |
6 | 673 | 6,1 |
7 | 1169 | 10,6 |
8 | 1638 | 14,9 |
9 | 1830 | 16,6 |
10 | 1677 | 15,2 |
11 | 1279 | 11,6 |
12 | 958 | 8,7 |
13 | 653 | 5,9 |
14 | 371 | 3,4 |
15 | 266 | 2,4 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 14 | 0,1 |
3 | 107 | 0,4 |
4 | 689 | 2,5 |
5 | 1477 | 5,4 |
6 | 2627 | 9,6 |
7 | 3501 | 12,8 |
8 | 4448 | 16,3 |
9 | 4844 | 17,7 |
10 | 3621 | 13,2 |
11 | 2594 | 9,5 |
12 | 1630 | 6,0 |
13 | 985 | 3,6 |
14 | 527 | 1,9 |
15 | 286 | 1,0 |
Number of occurrences of the letter E | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 81615 | 30,5 |
1 | 114602 | 42,8 |
2 | 55768 | 20,8 |
3 | 13772 | 5,1 |
4 | 1842 | 0,7 |
5 | 152 | 0,1 |
The letter G in the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 3 | 0,0 |
3 | 59 | 0,7 |
4 | 269 | 3,0 |
5 | 608 | 6,8 |
6 | 997 | 11,2 |
7 | 1382 | 15,5 |
8 | 1420 | 15,9 |
9 | 1291 | 14,5 |
10 | 1039 | 11,7 |
11 | 778 | 8,7 |
12 | 490 | 5,5 |
13 | 305 | 3,4 |
14 | 184 | 2,1 |
15 | 89 | 1,0 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 2 | 0,0 |
3 | 72 | 0,4 |
4 | 138 | 0,7 |
5 | 135 | 0,7 |
6 | 665 | 3,4 |
7 | 2263 | 11,7 |
8 | 2917 | 15,0 |
9 | 3347 | 17,2 |
10 | 3192 | 16,4 |
11 | 2800 | 14,4 |
12 | 1948 | 10,0 |
13 | 1117 | 5,8 |
14 | 523 | 2,7 |
15 | 303 | 1,6 |
Number of occurrences of the letter G | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 206889 | 77,3 |
1 | 54449 | 20,3 |
2 | 5814 | 2,2 |
3 | 564 | 0,2 |
4 | 34 | 0,0 |
5 | 1 | 0,0 |
The letter L in the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 3 | 0,0 |
3 | 58 | 0,8 |
4 | 273 | 3,6 |
5 | 551 | 7,2 |
6 | 893 | 11,7 |
7 | 1141 | 14,9 |
8 | 1239 | 16,2 |
9 | 1100 | 14,4 |
10 | 842 | 11,0 |
11 | 656 | 8,6 |
12 | 407 | 5,3 |
13 | 223 | 2,9 |
14 | 167 | 2,2 |
15 | 83 | 1,1 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 2 | 0,0 |
3 | 37 | 0,4 |
4 | 251 | 3,0 |
5 | 465 | 5,5 |
6 | 805 | 9,6 |
7 | 971 | 11,6 |
8 | 1210 | 14,4 |
9 | 1076 | 12,8 |
10 | 952 | 11,3 |
11 | 858 | 10,2 |
12 | 683 | 8,1 |
13 | 547 | 6,5 |
14 | 330 | 3,9 |
15 | 214 | 2,5 |
Number of occurrences of the letter L | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 162123 | 60,5 |
1 | 85451 | 31,9 |
2 | 18253 | 6,8 |
3 | 1788 | 0,7 |
4 | 136 | 0,1 |
The letter N in the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 5 | 0,1 |
3 | 50 | 0,8 |
4 | 160 | 2,6 |
5 | 317 | 5,1 |
6 | 467 | 7,5 |
7 | 661 | 10,7 |
8 | 762 | 12,3 |
9 | 878 | 14,1 |
10 | 789 | 12,7 |
11 | 648 | 10,4 |
12 | 537 | 8,7 |
13 | 428 | 6,9 |
14 | 295 | 4,8 |
15 | 208 | 3,4 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 5 | 0,0 |
3 | 82 | 0,7 |
4 | 252 | 2,2 |
5 | 512 | 4,4 |
6 | 1196 | 10,2 |
7 | 1431 | 12,3 |
8 | 1552 | 13,3 |
9 | 1423 | 12,2 |
10 | 1164 | 10,0 |
11 | 1114 | 9,5 |
12 | 982 | 8,4 |
13 | 891 | 7,6 |
14 | 646 | 5,5 |
15 | 421 | 3,6 |
Number of occurrences of the letter N | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 137492 | 51,4 |
1 | 100778 | 37,6 |
2 | 25878 | 9,7 |
3 | 3322 | 1,2 |
4 | 268 | 0,1 |
5 | 13 | 0,0 |
The letter O in the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 16 | 0,2 |
3 | 68 | 0,8 |
4 | 155 | 1,8 |
5 | 257 | 3,0 |
6 | 488 | 5,7 |
7 | 842 | 9,8 |
8 | 1293 | 15,0 |
9 | 1401 | 16,3 |
10 | 1287 | 15,0 |
11 | 1031 | 12,0 |
12 | 722 | 8,4 |
13 | 469 | 5,5 |
14 | 345 | 4,0 |
15 | 230 | 2,7 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 17 | 1,0 |
3 | 52 | 2,9 |
4 | 206 | 11,6 |
5 | 365 | 20,5 |
6 | 319 | 17,9 |
7 | 265 | 14,9 |
8 | 257 | 14,4 |
9 | 148 | 8,3 |
10 | 93 | 5,2 |
11 | 35 | 2,0 |
12 | 14 | 0,8 |
13 | 10 | 0,6 |
14 | 2 | 0,1 |
Number of occurrences of the letter O | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 143337 | 53,5 |
1 | 92065 | 34,4 |
2 | 27771 | 10,4 |
3 | 4176 | 1,6 |
4 | 393 | 0,1 |
5 | 9 | 0,0 |
The letter R in the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 1 | 0,0 |
3 | 62 | 0,4 |
4 | 258 | 1,8 |
5 | 610 | 4,2 |
6 | 1239 | 8,5 |
7 | 1837 | 12,7 |
8 | 2234 | 15,4 |
9 | 2269 | 15,6 |
10 | 1943 | 13,4 |
11 | 1481 | 10,2 |
12 | 1031 | 7,1 |
13 | 724 | 5,0 |
14 | 492 | 3,4 |
15 | 326 | 2,2 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 4 | 0,0 |
3 | 49 | 0,4 |
4 | 180 | 1,3 |
5 | 656 | 4,8 |
6 | 1997 | 14,5 |
7 | 2764 | 20,1 |
8 | 2586 | 18,8 |
9 | 2074 | 15,1 |
10 | 1564 | 11,4 |
11 | 974 | 7,1 |
12 | 538 | 3,9 |
13 | 234 | 1,7 |
14 | 112 | 0,8 |
15 | 43 | 0,3 |
Number of occurrences of the letter R | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 127536 | 47,6 |
1 | 112163 | 41,9 |
2 | 25868 | 9,7 |
3 | 2114 | 0,8 |
4 | 70 | 0,0 |
The letter S in the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 4 | 0,0 |
3 | 87 | 0,3 |
4 | 482 | 1,6 |
5 | 1521 | 5,0 |
6 | 2664 | 8,7 |
7 | 3843 | 12,6 |
8 | 5102 | 16,7 |
9 | 4904 | 16,0 |
10 | 4048 | 13,2 |
11 | 2947 | 9,6 |
12 | 2126 | 7,0 |
13 | 1402 | 4,6 |
14 | 928 | 3,0 |
15 | 517 | 1,7 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 5 | 0,0 |
3 | 105 | 0,1 |
4 | 1080 | 1,1 |
5 | 3805 | 3,7 |
6 | 6360 | 6,2 |
7 | 11036 | 10,8 |
8 | 14043 | 13,7 |
9 | 15614 | 15,2 |
10 | 14924 | 14,6 |
11 | 11838 | 11,5 |
12 | 9103 | 8,9 |
13 | 6563 | 6,4 |
14 | 4827 | 4,7 |
15 | 3248 | 3,2 |
Number of occurrences of the letter S | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 102974 | 38,5 |
1 | 110522 | 41,3 |
2 | 41747 | 15,6 |
3 | 9880 | 3,7 |
4 | 2188 | 0,8 |
5 | 381 | 0,1 |
6 | 54 | 0,0 |
7 | 5 | 0,0 |
The letter W in the word SCRABBLE-WORD-GENERATOR
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 2 | 0,0 |
3 | 45 | 0,8 |
4 | 212 | 3,8 |
5 | 402 | 7,2 |
6 | 627 | 11,2 |
7 | 959 | 17,1 |
8 | 1066 | 19,0 |
9 | 882 | 15,7 |
10 | 606 | 10,8 |
11 | 400 | 7,1 |
12 | 206 | 3,7 |
13 | 116 | 2,1 |
14 | 61 | 1,1 |
15 | 27 | 0,5 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 2 | 0,3 |
3 | 44 | 7,5 |
4 | 72 | 12,2 |
5 | 62 | 10,5 |
6 | 116 | 19,7 |
7 | 96 | 16,3 |
8 | 115 | 19,5 |
9 | 43 | 7,3 |
10 | 19 | 3,2 |
11 | 17 | 2,9 |
12 | 3 | 0,5 |
Number of occurrences of the letter W | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 250130 | 93,4 |
1 | 16872 | 6,3 |
2 | 726 | 0,3 |
3 | 23 | 0,0 |
The number of letters in the word SCRABBLEWORDGEN: 15
Below we present the statistics of the occurrence of other 15-letter words in English. Analysis by first and last letter
The first letter in the word | The number of words | [%] |
A | 364 | 6,3 |
B | 121 | 2,1 |
C | 576 | 10,0 |
D | 443 | 7,7 |
E | 266 | 4,6 |
F | 90 | 1,6 |
G | 89 | 1,5 |
H | 235 | 4,1 |
I | 494 | 8,6 |
J | 6 | 0,1 |
K | 17 | 0,3 |
L | 83 | 1,4 |
M | 339 | 5,9 |
N | 208 | 3,6 |
O | 230 | 4,0 |
P | 665 | 11,6 |
Q | 28 | 0,5 |
R | 326 | 5,7 |
S | 517 | 9,0 |
T | 266 | 4,6 |
U | 294 | 5,1 |
V | 55 | 1,0 |
W | 27 | 0,5 |
X | 5 | 0,1 |
Y | 2 | 0,0 |
Z | 11 | 0,2 |
The last letter in the word | The number of words | [%] |
A | 30 | 0,5 |
C | 133 | 2,3 |
D | 157 | 2,7 |
E | 286 | 5,0 |
G | 303 | 5,3 |
H | 20 | 0,3 |
L | 214 | 3,7 |
M | 95 | 1,7 |
N | 421 | 7,3 |
P | 13 | 0,2 |
R | 43 | 0,7 |
S | 3248 | 56,4 |
T | 135 | 2,3 |
Y | 659 | 11,4 |
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