Acceptable 13 letter words for Scrabble and Word with Friends starting with the letter S

Discover all thirteen-letter words starting with the letter S

Looking for 13-letter words starting with the letter 'S'? You’re in the right place! Our comprehensive list of 13-letter words is perfect for word enthusiasts, Scrabble players, and anyone who enjoys playing word games. Expand your vocabulary with these fascinating words and elevate your gameplay!

Here are a few examples of 13-letter words that start with 'S':

  • Substantial - Having real importance or value.
  • Segregation - The action or state of setting someone or something apart from others.
  • Superlative - Of the highest quality or degree.
  • Sanctuaries - Places of refuge or safety.
  • Statecrafts - The skillful management of state affairs.

Why are 13-letter words significant in word games?

Using longer words like those consisting of 13 letters can significantly boost your score in games such as Scrabble and Words with Friends. They not only provide higher points per letter but also challenge your opponents' strategies as they try to find ways to compete against your word choices.

Fun Facts about 13-letter words:

  • Words of this length can represent complex ideas.
  • They often include prefixes and suffixes, expanding language comprehension.
  • Many 13-letter words are derived from Latin or Greek roots, showcasing the evolution of the English language.

Explore our dedicated word search tool! Search for more incredible words in our database to help you with your next game night. Whether you need help with word puzzles or simply want to enhance your linguistic skills, our platform is here to assist you in uncovering words that leave a lasting impression. Happy searching!

Remember: The more 13-letter words you learn, the better equipped you’ll be in your next word-related challenge!

Words that Start with S, 13 Letters Long – Complete List

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