Acceptable 7 letter words for Scrabble and Word with Friends starting with the letter L

Discover all seven-letter words starting with the letter L

Unlock the Power of Seven-Letter Words Starting with 'L'

If you're on a quest for seven-letter words beginning with the letter 'L', you've come to the right place! Our comprehensive word finder is here to help you boost your scores and maximize your gameplay in word puzzles, crosswords, and other word challenges.

Examples of Seven-Letter Words Starting with 'L':

  • Laughter - The sound of joy or amusement, essential for any social gathering.
  • Lending - The act of providing something, usually money or an item, to someone with the expectation of its return.
  • Liberal - Open to new ideas, especially in politics and education.
  • Letters - The fundamental components of written communication.
  • Longing - A strong desire or yearning for something.
  • Library - A place where books and other media are stored for public usage.
  • Loyalty - A strong feeling of support or allegiance.

Why Seven-Letter Words Matter:

In games like Scrabble and Words with Friends, seven-letter words are particularly valuable as they can earn you bonus points when you use all seven tiles. These words can give you a significant edge over your competitors.

Interesting Facts:

  • The word "letters" in English has its roots in the Latin word "litterae," meaning literature or written characters.
  • Words like "laughter" and "loyalty" not only have practical use in word games but also carry positive emotional connotations.
  • Many seven-letter words are derived from longer words by omitting certain letters, which can help you think creatively when strategizing your next move.

Utilize our site to search for these and many more seven-letter words starting with 'L'. Whether you're honing your skills or just having fun, we've got the tools you need to find the perfect word for your next game!

Words that Start with L, 7 Letters Long – Complete List

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