Acceptable 14 letter words for Scrabble and Word with Friends starting with the letter A

Discover all fourteen-letter words starting with the letter A

Looking for 14-letter words starting with the letter 'A'? You've come to the right place! Our comprehensive word finder is designed for word game enthusiasts, puzzle solvers, and anyone who enjoys the challenge of crafting words from letters. Here, we delve into the fascinating world of 14-letter words that begin with 'A' to help you boost your vocabulary and win your next game!

Examples of 14-Letter Words Starting with 'A':

  • Acclimatation - The process of adjusting to a new environment or climate.
  • Abomination - Something that is hated or considered disgusting.
  • Assassination - The act of killing someone, usually for political reasons.
  • Achievement - Something accomplished or achieved, particularly through effort.

Did You Know?

  • The longest single-word entry in the dictionary often includes lengthy terms from various scientific fields, but common usage often favors moderately long words like our featured 14-letter examples.
  • 14-letter words can add substantial points to your game scores, especially in games like Scrabble and Words with Friends where letter placement and strategic positioning are key.
  • Many 14-letter words fall into specific categories such as medical terminology, literary terms, and scientific words, which can be particularly useful in specialized word games.

Whether you are playing a game or enhancing your English vocabulary, knowing words like 'Acclimatization' or 'Assassination' not only shows your linguistic prowess but also gives you a competitive edge. Explore our platform to uncover even more 14-letter words starting with 'A' and elevate your game performance!

Words that Start with A, 14 Letters Long – Complete List

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