Words from letters SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN
11 letter words:
- leprechawns21
- hibernacles18
10 letter words:
- leprechawn20
- chapelries17
- hibernacle17
- parcelwise17
- perishable17
- phrenesiac17
- phrensical17
- replicable16
- relishable15
- capellines14
- cranesbill14
- licensable14
- pencillers14
- percalines14
- reclinable14
9 letter words:
- clerihews17
- pinwheels17
- blanchers16
- bleachers16
- blenchers16
- cephalins16
- clipshear16
- enciphers16
- eparchies16
- nebbisher16
- parcheesi16
- prechills16
- screwable16
- screwball16
- screwbean16
- spherical16
- barbicels15
- priceable15
- scribable15
- whaleries15
- abhenries14
- beerhalls14
- bewailers14
- chenilles14
- chiseller14
- hairbells14
- harebells14
- helplines14
- planisher14
- plenisher14
- replenish14
- schlieren14
- seraphine14
- shapelier14
- shillaber14
- albespine13
- bearbines13
- bernicles13
- callipees13
- callipers13
- capelines13
- capelline13
- pencilers13
- penciller13
- percaline13
- periclase13
- plebeians13
- precleans13
- prelacies13
- replicase13
- sliceable13
- specialer13
- spellican13
- ballerine11
- baseliner11
- carelines11
- cleanlier11
- larcenies11
- plenaries11
- reliables11
- reliances11
- rinseable11
8 letter words:
- chewable18
- babiches17
- nebbichs17
- archwise16
- clerihew16
- crenshaw16
- eschewal16
- pinwheel16
- swelchie16
- welchers16
- wenchers16
- winchers16
- wrenches16
- alebench15
- aspheric15
- babelish15
- beachier15
- becrawls15
- belchers15
- benchers15
- benchier15
- bescrawl15
- blancher15
- blanches15
- bleacher15
- bleaches15
- blencher15
- blenches15
- branches15
- breaches15
- brechans15
- cephalin15
- charpies15
- cheapens15
- cheapies15
- clanship15
- crabwise15
- encipher15
- helpable15
- nebbishe15
- painches15
- parchesi15
- parhelic15
- peachers15
- peachier15
- pellachs15
- pilchers15
- pinchers15
- pinscher15
- planches15
- pleaches15
- plenches15
- preaches15
- prechill15
- seraphic15
- shabbier15
- wabblers15
- wabblier15
- barbicel14
- clabbers14
- cribbles14
- pebblier14
- plebbier14
- prabbles14
- pribbles14
- scabbier14
- scrabble14
- scribble14
- sherwani14
- archines13
- banisher13
- beerhall13
- bewailer13
- blashier13
- challies13
- charlies13
- charnels13
- chenille13
- chillers13
- chiseler13
- earlship13
- elaphine13
- enarches13
- enchaser13
- enriches13
- hairbell13
- harebell13
- harelips13
- hebraise13
- helpline13
- heparins13
- hibernal13
- hireable13
- inarches13
- inherces13
- insphere13
- leachers13
- leachier13
- palewise13
- parishen13
- phallins13
- pharisee13
- pinswell13
- pinwales13
- plashier13
- prawlins13
- relaches13
- schiller13
- schliere13
- seraphin13
- shrapnel13
- slipware13
- spawnier13
- sphairee13
- webinars13
- wiseacre13
- allspice12
- barbells12
- bearbine12
- bepearls12
- bepraise12
- bernicle12
- biplanes12
- brisance12
- calibers12
- calibres12
- calipees12
- calipers12
- callipee12
- calliper12
- capeline12
- capelins12
- carbeens12
- carbenes12
- carbines12
- cribella12
- eclipser12
- especial12
- iceballs12
- lapsible12
- nibblers12
- panicles12
- pebrines12
- pelicans12
- penciler12
- percales12
- pinballs12
- plebeian12
- prebills12
- preclean12
- preslice12
- replaces12
- replicas12
- resplice12
- sapience12
- slabbier12
- spiracle12
- helleris11
- helliers11
- inhalers11
- inhearse11
- renewals11
- shellier11
- shiralee11
- alepines10
- ballsier10
- baseline10
- berlines10
- brailles10
- careline10
- carlines10
- cinereal10
- cinereas10
- cleaners10
- cleanser10
- enablers10
- escalier10
- espalier10
- increase10
- labelers10
- lanciers10
- libelers10
- liberals10
- licenser10
- lienable10
- lineable10
- nacelles10
- naperies10
- parelles10
- pearlies10
- pearlins10
- penalise10
- perillas10
- perineal10
- pilsener10
- pralines10
- recleans10
- reclines10
- relabels10
- reliable10
- reliance10
- repanels10
- resiance10
- rinsable10
- salience10
- sepaline10
- silencer10
- spinelle10
- splenial10
- alieners8
- reallies8
7 letter words:
- babiche16
- ephebic16
- nebbich16
- beshrew15
- chawers15
- chewers15
- chewier15
- chewies15
- hewable15
- lechwes15
- nephews15
- peishwa15
- prewash15
- rechews15
- warship15
- weblish15
- welcher15
- welches15
- wencher15
- wenches15
- whences15
- whisper15
- wincher15
- winches15
- bawbees14
- bawbles14
- beaches14
- becrawl14
- belcher14
- belches14
- bencher14
- benches14
- bewraps14
- birchen14
- birches14
- braches14
- brechan14
- caliphs14
- ceriphs14
- chablis14
- chapels14
- charpie14
- cheapen14
- cheaper14
- cheapie14
- ciphers14
- eparchs14
- nebbish14
- nephric14
- parches14
- pawnces14
- peacher14
- peaches14
- pechans14
- pellach14
- perches14
- phallic14
- phrenic14
- pilcher14
- pilches14
- pincher14
- pinches14
- planche14
- shabble14
- sphenic14
- spheric14
- spinach14
- swabber14
- swabbie14
- wabbler14
- wabbles14
- webbier14
- webbies14
- wibbles14
- awheels13
- beclasp13
- berbice13
- bespice13
- bicarbs13
- cabbies13
- clabber13
- cribble13
- pebbles13
- prabble13
- pribble13
- scabble13
- shawlie13
- wahines13
- washier13
- wearish13
- welsher13
- whaisle13
- whalers13
- whereas13
- wherein13
- whilere13
- whiners13
- achenes12
- archils12
- archine12
- banshee12
- banshie12
- bawlers12
- bearish12
- beenahs12
- beshine12
- bewails12
- bewares12
- brawlie12
- cahiers12
- carlish12
- cashier12
- chaines12
- challie12
- challis12
- charlie12
- charnel12
- chenars12
- chiller12
- chinars12
- chinese12
- clasher12
- clawers12
- crewels12
- elenchi12
- elenchs12
- eliches12
- enchase12
- enwraps12
- ephelis12
- eriachs12
- harelip12
- harpies12
- harpins12
- heapers12
- heapier12
- helical12
- helices12
- helpers12
- heparin12
- herbals12
- hirable12
- hirples12
- inchase12
- inchers12
- inherce12
- inphase12
- inwraps12
- lanches12
- larchen12
- larches12
- leacher12
- leaches12
- lechers12
- lichees12
- lichens12
- linches12
- newbies12
- nichers12
- pawnees12
- pawners12
- peahens12
- phallin12
- pinwale12
- planish12
- plasher12
- plenish12
- prawles12
- prawlin12
- ranches12
- raschel12
- reaches12
- relache12
- reshape12
- richens12
- ripsawn12
- sawbill12
- schnell12
- sewable12
- sharpen12
- sharpie12
- shebean12
- shellac12
- spawner12
- spewier12
- sphaere12
- spheare12
- spheral12
- warbles12
- waspier12
- webinar12
- wincers12
- winesap12
- wirable12
- absence11
- ascribe11
- barbell11
- barbels11
- barbies11
- becalls11
- belaces11
- beleaps11
- bepearl11
- biplane11
- bribees11
- cablers11
- cabries11
- caliber11
- calibre11
- calipee11
- caliper11
- capelin11
- caplins11
- caprine11
- carbeen11
- carbene11
- carbies11
- carbine11
- caribes11
- carpels11
- clasper11
- craples11
- crispen11
- eclipse11
- enclasp11
- epacris11
- escaper11
- escribe11
- iceball11
- inclasp11
- inscape11
- libbers11
- liblabs11
- nabbers11
- nibbler11
- nibbles11
- panicle11
- parcels11
- pearces11
- pebrine11
- pelican11
- pencels11
- pencils11
- percale11
- percase11
- percine11
- picenes11
- piecens11
- piecers11
- pierces11
- pinball11
- pincase11
- pincers11
- placers11
- plaices11
- plebean11
- pliable11
- prances11
- preaces11
- prebill11
- precise11
- princes11
- rabbies11
- rabbins11
- rabbles11
- recipes11
- reclasp11
- replace11
- replica11
- respace11
- scalpel11
- scalper11
- scrapie11
- scribal11
- slabber11
- snabble11
- spacier11
- spancel11
- special11
- spencer11
- splenic11
- splicer11
- arsheen10
- arshine10
- enshell10
- enwalls10
- hailers10
- healers10
- helleri10
- hellers10
- hellier10
- henries10
- herniae10
- hernial10
- hernias10
- hersall10
- hillers10
- inhaler10
- inhales10
- inheres10
- inshell10
- inwalls10
- lawines10
- lawnier10
- leisher10
- newells10
- newsier10
- rellish10
- renewal10
- reshine10
- shalier10
- sheller10
- shrinal10
- swalier10
- sweller10
- swiller10
- wailers10
- wallers10
- wallier10
- wallies10
- weanels10
- weaners10
- wearies10
- weiners10
- wellies10
- wieners10
- willers10
- alepine9
- alerces9
- allices9
- alpeens9
- alpines9
- aperies9
- arcsine9
- arsenic9
- bailees9
- bailers9
- baleens9
- ballers9
- ballies9
- beanies9
- beliers9
- bellies9
- berline9
- berlins9
- billers9
- braille9
- branles9
- bransle9
- cailles9
- callees9
- callers9
- careens9
- carline9
- carlins9
- carnies9
- caserne9
- ceilers9
- cellars9
- cerasin9
- cereals9
- ceresin9
- cinerea9
- claries9
- cleaner9
- cleanse9
- crenels9
- eclairs9
- elances9
- elapine9
- ellipse9
- enabler9
- enables9
- enlaces9
- enraces9
- epeiras9
- erepsin9
- illapse9
- inlaces9
- labeler9
- lancers9
- leapers9
- lesbian9
- libeler9
- liberal9
- license9
- linable9
- nacelle9
- pallier9
- palsier9
- paneers9
- paniers9
- parelle9
- parlies9
- pearlin9
- pensile9
- perilla9
- perinea9
- pillars9
- pilsner9
- pineals9
- plainer9
- planers9
- pleaser9
- praline9
- presale9
- presell9
- rancels9
- rapines9
- rebills9
- recalls9
- recanes9
- reclean9
- recline9
- relabel9
- relaces9
- relapse9
- repanel9
- repeals9
- repines9
- replans9
- replies9
- rescale9
- respell9
- sanicle9
- scalene9
- scaleni9
- scalier9
- sclerae9
- scleral9
- scriene9
- selenic9
- silence9
- sincere9
- spaller9
- spaniel9
- spelean9
- speller9
- spieler9
- spiller9
- splenia9
- ainsell7
- aliener7
- aliners7
- earlies7
- leaners7
- leisler7
- liernes7
- nailers7
- nellies7
- rallies7
- ralline7
- realise7
- reallie7
- relines7
- rellies7
- renails7
- sallier7
- sealine7
- sneller7
6 letter words:
- cashew14
- chawer14
- chewer14
- eschew14
- lechwe14
- peshwa14
- rechew14
- wheeps14
- whelps14
- baches13
- bawbee13
- bawble13
- bewrap13
- bleach13
- brachs13
- breach13
- breech13
- chapel13
- chapes13
- cheaps13
- cheeps13
- chelps13
- eparch13
- pleach13
- preach13
- scarph13
- schlep13
- scrawp13
- speech13
- wabble13
- awheel12
- becaps12
- bicarb12
- cabbie12
- hawser12
- hewers12
- pebble12
- rewash12
- shewel12
- shewer12
- washer12
- whaler12
- whales12
- whares12
- wheals12
- wheare12
- wheels12
- wheres12
- alephs11
- arches11
- basher11
- bawler11
- belahs11
- beware11
- brawls11
- chares11
- chaser11
- cheers11
- chelae11
- chelas11
- clawer11
- crawls11
- creesh11
- crewel11
- crewes11
- eschar11
- heaper11
- helper11
- hepars11
- herbal11
- herpes11
- laches11
- lecher11
- leches11
- pawers11
- pesewa11
- phares11
- pheers11
- phrase11
- prawle11
- prelaw11
- raches11
- ralphs11
- raphes11
- rehabs11
- scrawl11
- sealch11
- search11
- seraph11
- shaper11
- sherpa11
- sleech11
- spahee11
- spewer11
- sphaer11
- sphear11
- sphere11
- sprawl11
- warble11
- webers11
- abcees10
- babels10
- babier10
- babies10
- barbel10
- barbes10
- barbie10
- becall10
- belace10
- beleap10
- bleeps10
- braces10
- bribes10
- cabers10
- cabler10
- cables10
- cabrie10
- capers10
- caples10
- caribe10
- carpel10
- ceibas10
- celebs10
- cleeps10
- clepes10
- crapes10
- craple10
- creeps10
- crepes10
- crible10
- escape10
- escarp10
- lesbic10
- pacers10
- parcel10
- parsec10
- peaces10
- pearce10
- perces10
- placer10
- places10
- plebes10
- preace10
- rabbis10
- rabble10
- rebbes10
- rebecs10
- recaps10
- scrape10
- scribe10
- secpar10
- spacer10
- ashler9
- haeres9
- halers9
- halser9
- healer9
- heares9
- hearse9
- heller9
- lasher9
- walers9
- waller9
- warsle9
- weasel9
- abeles8
- abseil8
- alerce8
- asleep8
- bailer8
- balers8
- baller8
- beares8
- belars8
- belles8
- birles8
- birsle8
- blaise8
- blares8
- blears8
- brails8
- braise8
- brasil8
- callee8
- caller8
- caries8
- carles8
- cellae8
- cellar8
- cereal8
- cerias8
- clears8
- crease8
- creels8
- eclair8
- elapse8
- erbias8
- ericas8
- isabel8
- labels8
- lacers8
- lacier8
- lapels8
- lapser8
- leaper8
- lepers8
- lepras8
- libers8
- librae8
- libras8
- parles8
- peares8
- pearls8
- please8
- prease8
- rabies8
- rebels8
- recall8
- recals8
- relace8
- relics8
- repeal8
- repels8
- sapele8
- scaler8
- sclera8
- sclere8
- searce8
- serape8
- slicer8
- spalle8
- allees6
- ariels6
- larees6
- lealer6
- leares6
- leaser6
- leears6
- railes6
- reales6
- resail6
- resale6
- reseal6
- resell6
- sailer6
- sallee6
- sealer6
- sellae6
- seller6
- serail6
- serial6
SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN - Questions and Answers (FAQ)
- What words can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN?
- What are the longest words that can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN?
- What anagrams can be formed from the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN?
- How many points in Scrabble can we earn for the words formed from the letters S,C,R,A,B,B,L,E,-,H,E,L,P,-,W,I,N?
- How many letters does the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN have? How many vowels and consonants does it have?
What are the longest words that can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN?
The longest word that can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN is the word Hibernacles. Number of letters: 11.The second longest word is the word Leprechawns. Number of letters: 11.
What anagrams can be formed from the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN?
Unfortunately, in English, there is no word that is an anagram of the word Scrabble-Help-Win.How many points in Scrabble can we earn for the words formed from the letters S,C,R,A,B,B,L,E,-,H,E,L,P,-,W,I,N?
The highest-scoring word that can be formed from the letters SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN is the word Leprechawns. The number of points that can be earned for it is: 21.The second highest-scoring word is the word Leprechawn. The possible number of points is: 20.How many letters does the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN have? How many vowels and consonants does it have?
Word Scrabble-Help-Win - number of letters: 17. The word Scrabble-Help-Win contains vowels. The number of vowels is: 4. The list of vowels present in this word is: A, E, E, I. The word Scrabble-Help-Win contains consonants. The number of consonants is: 13. The list of consonants present in this word is: -, -, B, B, C, H, L, L, N, P, R, S, W.How to properly pronounce the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN?
Letter Analysis - word SCRABBLEHELPWIN
The word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN, after removing repeating characters, consists of the letters: A, B, C, E, H, I, L, N, P, R, S, W. Below, we will analyze each one of them.
The letter A in the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 16 | 0,1 |
3 | 89 | 0,6 |
4 | 261 | 1,7 |
5 | 715 | 4,5 |
6 | 1187 | 7,5 |
7 | 1767 | 11,2 |
8 | 2164 | 13,8 |
9 | 2471 | 15,7 |
10 | 2188 | 13,9 |
11 | 1797 | 11,4 |
12 | 1274 | 8,1 |
13 | 849 | 5,4 |
14 | 581 | 3,7 |
15 | 364 | 2,3 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 15 | 0,3 |
3 | 56 | 1,1 |
4 | 314 | 5,9 |
5 | 632 | 11,9 |
6 | 738 | 13,9 |
7 | 935 | 17,6 |
8 | 764 | 14,4 |
9 | 635 | 12,0 |
10 | 504 | 9,5 |
11 | 331 | 6,2 |
12 | 190 | 3,6 |
13 | 108 | 2,0 |
14 | 60 | 1,1 |
15 | 30 | 0,6 |
Number of occurrences of the letter A | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 120405 | 45,0 |
1 | 110558 | 41,3 |
2 | 32580 | 12,2 |
3 | 3868 | 1,4 |
4 | 321 | 0,1 |
5 | 17 | 0,0 |
6 | 2 | 0,0 |
The letter B in the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 5 | 0,0 |
3 | 61 | 0,4 |
4 | 341 | 2,4 |
5 | 871 | 6,1 |
6 | 1566 | 10,9 |
7 | 2290 | 15,9 |
8 | 2610 | 18,2 |
9 | 2356 | 16,4 |
10 | 1692 | 11,8 |
11 | 1186 | 8,3 |
12 | 676 | 4,7 |
13 | 387 | 2,7 |
14 | 197 | 1,4 |
15 | 121 | 0,8 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 2 | 0,6 |
3 | 57 | 16,7 |
4 | 79 | 23,2 |
5 | 55 | 16,1 |
6 | 51 | 15,0 |
7 | 33 | 9,7 |
8 | 31 | 9,1 |
9 | 22 | 6,5 |
10 | 7 | 2,1 |
11 | 3 | 0,9 |
12 | 1 | 0,3 |
Number of occurrences of the letter B | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 226359 | 84,5 |
1 | 38065 | 14,2 |
2 | 3095 | 1,2 |
3 | 230 | 0,1 |
4 | 2 | 0,0 |
The letter C in the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 1 | 0,0 |
3 | 48 | 0,2 |
4 | 307 | 1,3 |
5 | 888 | 3,7 |
6 | 1756 | 7,3 |
7 | 2771 | 11,5 |
8 | 3578 | 14,8 |
9 | 3737 | 15,5 |
10 | 3344 | 13,9 |
11 | 2724 | 11,3 |
12 | 2069 | 8,6 |
13 | 1417 | 5,9 |
14 | 904 | 3,7 |
15 | 576 | 2,4 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
3 | 25 | 0,4 |
4 | 39 | 0,6 |
5 | 124 | 2,1 |
6 | 291 | 4,8 |
7 | 465 | 7,7 |
8 | 749 | 12,5 |
9 | 874 | 14,6 |
10 | 985 | 16,4 |
11 | 945 | 15,7 |
12 | 704 | 11,7 |
13 | 422 | 7,0 |
14 | 248 | 4,1 |
15 | 133 | 2,2 |
Number of occurrences of the letter C | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 183088 | 68,4 |
1 | 72018 | 26,9 |
2 | 11766 | 4,4 |
3 | 836 | 0,3 |
4 | 43 | 0,0 |
The letter E in the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 12 | 0,1 |
3 | 58 | 0,5 |
4 | 158 | 1,4 |
5 | 288 | 2,6 |
6 | 673 | 6,1 |
7 | 1169 | 10,6 |
8 | 1638 | 14,9 |
9 | 1830 | 16,6 |
10 | 1677 | 15,2 |
11 | 1279 | 11,6 |
12 | 958 | 8,7 |
13 | 653 | 5,9 |
14 | 371 | 3,4 |
15 | 266 | 2,4 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 14 | 0,1 |
3 | 107 | 0,4 |
4 | 689 | 2,5 |
5 | 1477 | 5,4 |
6 | 2627 | 9,6 |
7 | 3501 | 12,8 |
8 | 4448 | 16,3 |
9 | 4844 | 17,7 |
10 | 3621 | 13,2 |
11 | 2594 | 9,5 |
12 | 1630 | 6,0 |
13 | 985 | 3,6 |
14 | 527 | 1,9 |
15 | 286 | 1,0 |
Number of occurrences of the letter E | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 81615 | 30,5 |
1 | 114602 | 42,8 |
2 | 55768 | 20,8 |
3 | 13772 | 5,1 |
4 | 1842 | 0,7 |
5 | 152 | 0,1 |
The letter H in the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 5 | 0,0 |
3 | 60 | 0,6 |
4 | 255 | 2,5 |
5 | 477 | 4,7 |
6 | 799 | 7,9 |
7 | 1186 | 11,7 |
8 | 1398 | 13,8 |
9 | 1435 | 14,2 |
10 | 1321 | 13,1 |
11 | 1119 | 11,1 |
12 | 875 | 8,6 |
13 | 560 | 5,5 |
14 | 394 | 3,9 |
15 | 235 | 2,3 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 6 | 0,2 |
3 | 37 | 1,2 |
4 | 152 | 4,8 |
5 | 349 | 11,1 |
6 | 464 | 14,7 |
7 | 550 | 17,5 |
8 | 589 | 18,7 |
9 | 453 | 14,4 |
10 | 264 | 8,4 |
11 | 136 | 4,3 |
12 | 71 | 2,3 |
13 | 37 | 1,2 |
14 | 18 | 0,6 |
15 | 20 | 0,6 |
Number of occurrences of the letter H | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 212102 | 79,2 |
1 | 50701 | 18,9 |
2 | 4843 | 1,8 |
3 | 105 | 0,0 |
The letter I in the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 6 | 0,1 |
3 | 26 | 0,3 |
4 | 69 | 0,7 |
5 | 157 | 1,7 |
6 | 375 | 4,0 |
7 | 651 | 6,9 |
8 | 957 | 10,2 |
9 | 1232 | 13,1 |
10 | 1358 | 14,5 |
11 | 1341 | 14,3 |
12 | 1192 | 12,7 |
13 | 921 | 9,8 |
14 | 611 | 6,5 |
15 | 494 | 5,3 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 14 | 0,9 |
3 | 32 | 2,2 |
4 | 145 | 9,8 |
5 | 253 | 17,2 |
6 | 270 | 18,3 |
7 | 255 | 17,3 |
8 | 195 | 13,2 |
9 | 140 | 9,5 |
10 | 93 | 6,3 |
11 | 38 | 2,6 |
12 | 21 | 1,4 |
13 | 13 | 0,9 |
14 | 5 | 0,3 |
Number of occurrences of the letter I | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 107284 | 40,1 |
1 | 111312 | 41,6 |
2 | 39717 | 14,8 |
3 | 8146 | 3,0 |
4 | 1170 | 0,4 |
5 | 113 | 0,0 |
6 | 9 | 0,0 |
The letter L in the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 3 | 0,0 |
3 | 58 | 0,8 |
4 | 273 | 3,6 |
5 | 551 | 7,2 |
6 | 893 | 11,7 |
7 | 1141 | 14,9 |
8 | 1239 | 16,2 |
9 | 1100 | 14,4 |
10 | 842 | 11,0 |
11 | 656 | 8,6 |
12 | 407 | 5,3 |
13 | 223 | 2,9 |
14 | 167 | 2,2 |
15 | 83 | 1,1 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 2 | 0,0 |
3 | 37 | 0,4 |
4 | 251 | 3,0 |
5 | 465 | 5,5 |
6 | 805 | 9,6 |
7 | 971 | 11,6 |
8 | 1210 | 14,4 |
9 | 1076 | 12,8 |
10 | 952 | 11,3 |
11 | 858 | 10,2 |
12 | 683 | 8,1 |
13 | 547 | 6,5 |
14 | 330 | 3,9 |
15 | 214 | 2,5 |
Number of occurrences of the letter L | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 162123 | 60,5 |
1 | 85451 | 31,9 |
2 | 18253 | 6,8 |
3 | 1788 | 0,7 |
4 | 136 | 0,1 |
The letter N in the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 5 | 0,1 |
3 | 50 | 0,8 |
4 | 160 | 2,6 |
5 | 317 | 5,1 |
6 | 467 | 7,5 |
7 | 661 | 10,7 |
8 | 762 | 12,3 |
9 | 878 | 14,1 |
10 | 789 | 12,7 |
11 | 648 | 10,4 |
12 | 537 | 8,7 |
13 | 428 | 6,9 |
14 | 295 | 4,8 |
15 | 208 | 3,4 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 5 | 0,0 |
3 | 82 | 0,7 |
4 | 252 | 2,2 |
5 | 512 | 4,4 |
6 | 1196 | 10,2 |
7 | 1431 | 12,3 |
8 | 1552 | 13,3 |
9 | 1423 | 12,2 |
10 | 1164 | 10,0 |
11 | 1114 | 9,5 |
12 | 982 | 8,4 |
13 | 891 | 7,6 |
14 | 646 | 5,5 |
15 | 421 | 3,6 |
Number of occurrences of the letter N | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 137492 | 51,4 |
1 | 100778 | 37,6 |
2 | 25878 | 9,7 |
3 | 3322 | 1,2 |
4 | 268 | 0,1 |
5 | 13 | 0,0 |
The letter P in the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 4 | 0,0 |
3 | 74 | 0,3 |
4 | 341 | 1,5 |
5 | 821 | 3,5 |
6 | 1541 | 6,6 |
7 | 2524 | 10,8 |
8 | 3148 | 13,5 |
9 | 3467 | 14,8 |
10 | 3325 | 14,2 |
11 | 2797 | 12,0 |
12 | 2094 | 9,0 |
13 | 1510 | 6,5 |
14 | 1041 | 4,5 |
15 | 665 | 2,8 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 2 | 0,1 |
3 | 70 | 4,7 |
4 | 179 | 12,1 |
5 | 146 | 9,9 |
6 | 173 | 11,7 |
7 | 198 | 13,4 |
8 | 193 | 13,0 |
9 | 138 | 9,3 |
10 | 118 | 8,0 |
11 | 81 | 5,5 |
12 | 66 | 4,5 |
13 | 74 | 5,0 |
14 | 29 | 2,0 |
15 | 13 | 0,9 |
Number of occurrences of the letter P | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 203032 | 75,8 |
1 | 56568 | 21,1 |
2 | 7741 | 2,9 |
3 | 404 | 0,2 |
4 | 6 | 0,0 |
The letter R in the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 1 | 0,0 |
3 | 62 | 0,4 |
4 | 258 | 1,8 |
5 | 610 | 4,2 |
6 | 1239 | 8,5 |
7 | 1837 | 12,7 |
8 | 2234 | 15,4 |
9 | 2269 | 15,6 |
10 | 1943 | 13,4 |
11 | 1481 | 10,2 |
12 | 1031 | 7,1 |
13 | 724 | 5,0 |
14 | 492 | 3,4 |
15 | 326 | 2,2 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 4 | 0,0 |
3 | 49 | 0,4 |
4 | 180 | 1,3 |
5 | 656 | 4,8 |
6 | 1997 | 14,5 |
7 | 2764 | 20,1 |
8 | 2586 | 18,8 |
9 | 2074 | 15,1 |
10 | 1564 | 11,4 |
11 | 974 | 7,1 |
12 | 538 | 3,9 |
13 | 234 | 1,7 |
14 | 112 | 0,8 |
15 | 43 | 0,3 |
Number of occurrences of the letter R | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 127536 | 47,6 |
1 | 112163 | 41,9 |
2 | 25868 | 9,7 |
3 | 2114 | 0,8 |
4 | 70 | 0,0 |
The letter S in the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 4 | 0,0 |
3 | 87 | 0,3 |
4 | 482 | 1,6 |
5 | 1521 | 5,0 |
6 | 2664 | 8,7 |
7 | 3843 | 12,6 |
8 | 5102 | 16,7 |
9 | 4904 | 16,0 |
10 | 4048 | 13,2 |
11 | 2947 | 9,6 |
12 | 2126 | 7,0 |
13 | 1402 | 4,6 |
14 | 928 | 3,0 |
15 | 517 | 1,7 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 5 | 0,0 |
3 | 105 | 0,1 |
4 | 1080 | 1,1 |
5 | 3805 | 3,7 |
6 | 6360 | 6,2 |
7 | 11036 | 10,8 |
8 | 14043 | 13,7 |
9 | 15614 | 15,2 |
10 | 14924 | 14,6 |
11 | 11838 | 11,5 |
12 | 9103 | 8,9 |
13 | 6563 | 6,4 |
14 | 4827 | 4,7 |
15 | 3248 | 3,2 |
Number of occurrences of the letter S | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 102974 | 38,5 |
1 | 110522 | 41,3 |
2 | 41747 | 15,6 |
3 | 9880 | 3,7 |
4 | 2188 | 0,8 |
5 | 381 | 0,1 |
6 | 54 | 0,0 |
7 | 5 | 0,0 |
The letter W in the word SCRABBLE-HELP-WIN
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 2 | 0,0 |
3 | 45 | 0,8 |
4 | 212 | 3,8 |
5 | 402 | 7,2 |
6 | 627 | 11,2 |
7 | 959 | 17,1 |
8 | 1066 | 19,0 |
9 | 882 | 15,7 |
10 | 606 | 10,8 |
11 | 400 | 7,1 |
12 | 206 | 3,7 |
13 | 116 | 2,1 |
14 | 61 | 1,1 |
15 | 27 | 0,5 |
Number of letters | The number of words | [%] |
2 | 2 | 0,3 |
3 | 44 | 7,5 |
4 | 72 | 12,2 |
5 | 62 | 10,5 |
6 | 116 | 19,7 |
7 | 96 | 16,3 |
8 | 115 | 19,5 |
9 | 43 | 7,3 |
10 | 19 | 3,2 |
11 | 17 | 2,9 |
12 | 3 | 0,5 |
Number of occurrences of the letter W | The number of words | [%] |
0 | 250130 | 93,4 |
1 | 16872 | 6,3 |
2 | 726 | 0,3 |
3 | 23 | 0,0 |
The number of letters in the word SCRABBLEHELPWIN: 15
Below we present the statistics of the occurrence of other 15-letter words in English. Analysis by first and last letter
The first letter in the word | The number of words | [%] |
A | 364 | 6,3 |
B | 121 | 2,1 |
C | 576 | 10,0 |
D | 443 | 7,7 |
E | 266 | 4,6 |
F | 90 | 1,6 |
G | 89 | 1,5 |
H | 235 | 4,1 |
I | 494 | 8,6 |
J | 6 | 0,1 |
K | 17 | 0,3 |
L | 83 | 1,4 |
M | 339 | 5,9 |
N | 208 | 3,6 |
O | 230 | 4,0 |
P | 665 | 11,6 |
Q | 28 | 0,5 |
R | 326 | 5,7 |
S | 517 | 9,0 |
T | 266 | 4,6 |
U | 294 | 5,1 |
V | 55 | 1,0 |
W | 27 | 0,5 |
X | 5 | 0,1 |
Y | 2 | 0,0 |
Z | 11 | 0,2 |
The last letter in the word | The number of words | [%] |
A | 30 | 0,5 |
C | 133 | 2,3 |
D | 157 | 2,7 |
E | 286 | 5,0 |
G | 303 | 5,3 |
H | 20 | 0,3 |
L | 214 | 3,7 |
M | 95 | 1,7 |
N | 421 | 7,3 |
P | 13 | 0,2 |
R | 43 | 0,7 |
S | 3248 | 56,4 |
T | 135 | 2,3 |
Y | 659 | 11,4 |
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