The word "DEVELOPMENT" is a noun that refers to the process of growing, evolving, or advancing. It can describe the progress and expansion of something, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or organizational.
In the game of Scrabble, "DEVELOPMENT" is a powerful word due to its length (11 letters) and the variety of letters it contains. It includes high-scoring letters like "V" and "P" along with common vowels like "E" and "O". This word offers the opportunity to earn a significant number of points, especially if placed strategically on a double or triple word score.
When playing "DEVELOPMENT" in Scrabble, consider using prefixes or suffixes to create additional words for even more points. For example, adding an "S" at the end to form "DEVELOPMENTS" can extend the word and potentially reach bonus squares on the board.
Overall, "DEVELOPMENT" is a valuable word in Scrabble for its length, letters, and scoring potential. So, keep it in mind during gameplay as a strong option when aiming for high scores.
What are the longest words that can be formed from the letters DEVELOPMENT?
The longest word that can be formed from the letters DEVELOPMENT is the word Development. Number of letters: 11. The second longest word is the word Elopement. Number of letters: 9.
What anagrams can be formed from the word DEVELOPMENT?
Unfortunately, in English, there is no word that is an anagram of the word Development.
How many points in Scrabble can we earn for the words formed from the letters D,E,V,E,L,O,P,M,E,N,T?
The highest-scoring word that can be formed from the letters DEVELOPMENT is the word Development. The number of points that can be earned for it is: 19.The second highest-scoring word is the word Enveloped. The possible number of points is: 15.
How many letters does the word DEVELOPMENT have? How many vowels and consonants does it have?
Word Development - number of letters: 11.
The word Development contains vowels. The number of vowels is: 4. The list of vowels present in this word is: E, E, E, O.
The word Development contains consonants. The number of consonants is: 7. The list of consonants present in this word is: D, L, M, N, P, T, V.
How to properly pronounce the word DEVELOPMENT?
Letter Analysis - word DEVELOPMENT
The word DEVELOPMENT, after removing repeating characters, consists of the letters: D, E, L, M, N, O, P, T, V.
Below, we will analyze each one of them.
Searching for words similar to the word DEVELOPMENT
If you are looking for words similar to the word DEVELOPMENT - use the advanced or simple word search available on our website. The advanced word search allows you to use search patterns, including those utilizing regular expressions. In the simplified version - you enter the letters that should appear in the searched words. Links below.