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Use letters without commas and spaces. To enter a blank tile, use '?' or '.'

Scrabble dictionary, Word with Friends, search for words, check words

Words from letters EDUCATION

From the letters EDUCATION, you can form as many as 436 words - Check which ones

9 letter words:

  • auctioned12
  • cautioned12
  • education12

8 letter words:

  • actioned11
  • catenoid11
  • eduction11
  • incudate11
  • outdance11
  • uncoated11

7 letter words:

  • codeina10
  • conduit10
  • counted10
  • ctenoid10
  • deontic10
  • doucine10
  • noctuid10
  • noticed10
  • oceanid10
  • tacnode10
  • unacted10
  • uncited10
  • aconite9
  • anoetic9
  • auction9
  • caution9
  • tunicae9
  • audient8

6 letter words:

  • acnode9
  • anodic9
  • cadent9
  • candie9
  • canoed9
  • canted9
  • cnidae9
  • coated9
  • codeia9
  • codein9
  • coedit9
  • coined9
  • condie9
  • dacite9
  • dacoit9
  • deacon9
  • decani9
  • decant9
  • docent9
  • doucet9
  • induce9
  • induct9
  • acetin8
  • action8
  • aeonic8
  • anetic8
  • anicut8
  • atonic8
  • cation8
  • centai8
  • coteau8
  • econut8
  • enatic8
  • eucain8
  • nautic8
  • noctua8
  • noetic8
  • notice8
  • octane8
  • toucan8
  • tunica8
  • uncate8
  • unciae8
  • atoned7
  • autoed7
  • dautie7
  • detain7
  • deuton7
  • ditone7
  • donate7
  • douane7
  • dunite7
  • intoed7
  • iodate7
  • nidate7
  • ointed7
  • undate7
  • united7
  • untied7
  • auntie6

5 letter words:

  • acned8
  • acted8
  • adunc8
  • cadet8
  • cadie8
  • caned8
  • canid8
  • cited8
  • cnida8
  • coden8
  • coned8
  • coted8
  • coude8
  • dance8
  • diact8
  • dicot8
  • dicta8
  • douce8
  • ducat8
  • dunce8
  • edict8
  • educt8
  • nicad8
  • octad8
  • ticed8
  • actin7
  • acton7
  • acute7
  • antic7
  • canoe7
  • canto7
  • cento7
  • centu7
  • coate7
  • coati7
  • conia7
  • conte7
  • cotan7
  • count7
  • cunei7
  • cutie7
  • cutin7
  • enact7
  • eniac7
  • incut7
  • ocean7
  • octan7
  • oncet7
  • ontic7
  • ounce7
  • tonic7
  • tunic7
  • uncia7
  • adieu6
  • anode6
  • anted6
  • audio6
  • audit6
  • daine6
  • daint6
  • danio6
  • daunt6
  • diota6
  • donut6
  • idant6
  • ident6
  • indue6
  • noted6
  • nudie6
  • outed6
  • teind6
  • tendu6
  • tined6
  • tondi6
  • toned6
  • tuned6
  • atone5
  • entia5
  • oaten5
  • tauon5
  • tenia5
  • tinea5
  • tuina5
  • unite5
  • untie5

4 letter words:

  • aced7
  • acid7
  • cade7
  • cadi7
  • caid7
  • cedi7
  • cide7
  • coda7
  • code7
  • coed7
  • cond7
  • cued7
  • dace7
  • deco7
  • dice7
  • dict7
  • douc7
  • duce7
  • duci7
  • duct7
  • ecad7
  • ecod7
  • iced7
  • odic7
  • acne6
  • ance6
  • atoc6
  • cain6
  • cane6
  • cant6
  • cate6
  • cent6
  • ciao6
  • cine6
  • cion6
  • cite6
  • cito6
  • coat6
  • coin6
  • coit6
  • cone6
  • coni6
  • cote6
  • cuit6
  • cunt6
  • cute6
  • etic6
  • icon6
  • nice6
  • octa6
  • once6
  • otic6
  • tace6
  • taco6
  • tice6
  • unce6
  • unci6
  • unco6
  • adit5
  • aide5
  • dant5
  • date5
  • dato5
  • daut5
  • dean5
  • deni5
  • dent5
  • diet5
  • dine5
  • dino5
  • dint5
  • dita5
  • dite5
  • doat5
  • doen5
  • doit5
  • dona5
  • done5
  • dote5
  • doun5
  • dout5
  • duan5
  • duet5
  • duit5
  • dune5
  • dunt5
  • edit5
  • idea5
  • nide5
  • nied5
  • node5
  • nodi5
  • nude5
  • odea5
  • taed5
  • tead5
  • tend5
  • tide5
  • tied5
  • tind5
  • toad5
  • toed5
  • tund5
  • udon5
  • unde5
  • undo5
  • aeon4
  • aine4
  • aitu4
  • ante4
  • anti4
  • aune4
  • aunt4
  • auto4
  • eina4
  • eoan4
  • etna4
  • etui4
  • euoi4
  • into4
  • iota4
  • naoi4
  • neat4
  • nite4
  • nota4
  • note4
  • nout4
  • oint4
  • onie4
  • tain4
  • tane4
  • tine4
  • toea4
  • tone4
  • toun4
  • tuan4
  • tuna4
  • tune4
  • unai4
  • unit4
  • unto4

3 letter words:

  • cad6
  • cid6
  • cod6
  • cud6
  • doc6
  • ace5
  • act5
  • can5
  • cat5
  • cit5
  • con5
  • cot5
  • cue5
  • cut5
  • eco5
  • ecu5
  • ice5
  • oca5
  • tec5
  • tic5
  • toc5
  • ado4
  • aid4
  • and4
  • dae4
  • dan4
  • dei4
  • den4
  • die4
  • din4
  • dit4
  • doe4
  • don4
  • dot4
  • due4
  • dui4
  • dun4
  • duo4
  • end4
  • ide4
  • ned4
  • nid4
  • nod4
  • oda4
  • ode4
  • oud4
  • tad4
  • ted4
  • tid4
  • tod4
  • udo4
  • ain3
  • ait3
  • ane3
  • ani3
  • ant3
  • ate3
  • aue3
  • ean3
  • eat3
  • eau3
  • eon3
  • eta3
  • ion3
  • ita3
  • nae3
  • nat3
  • net3
  • nie3
  • nit3
  • not3
  • nut3
  • oat3
  • one3
  • out3
  • tae3
  • tai3
  • tan3
  • tao3
  • tau3
  • tea3
  • ten3
  • tie3
  • tin3
  • toe3
  • ton3
  • tui3
  • tun3
  • uni3
  • uta3
  • ute3

2 letter words:

  • ad3
  • da3
  • de3
  • di3
  • do3
  • ed3
  • id3
  • od3
  • ae2
  • ai2
  • an2
  • at2
  • ea2
  • en2
  • et2
  • in2
  • io2
  • it2
  • na2
  • ne2
  • no2
  • nu2
  • oe2
  • oi2
  • on2
  • ou2
  • ta2
  • te2
  • ti2
  • to2
  • un2
  • ut2


Education is a vital process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and habits. It is a fundamental right for every individual and plays a crucial role in personal growth and development. Education can take place in formal settings such as schools and universities, as well as through informal experiences and self-learning. In the game of Scrabble, "EDUCATION" is a fantastic word to play for a few reasons. Firstly, it is a nine-letter word, which can help you earn a higher score due to its length. Secondly, it contains several high-point tiles, such as "C" worth 3 points, "D" worth 2 points, and "N" worth 1 point. Additionally, it has a common prefix "EDU" that can be extended to form other words, such as "EDUCATIONAL" or "EDUCATOR." Strategically, playing "EDUCATION" can help you in two ways. It not only allows you to score well with a longer word but also opens up the board for your next moves by creating new opportunities for other words to be formed around it. So, next time you have the letters for "EDUCATION" in your Scrabble tray, don't hesitate to put it on the board and impress your opponents with both your vocabulary and strategic skills.

What are the longest words that can be formed from the letters EDUCATION?

The longest word that can be formed from the letters EDUCATION is the word Auctioned. Number of letters: 9.
The second longest word is the word Cautioned. Number of letters: 9.

What anagrams can be formed from the word EDUCATION?

Can anagrams be formed from the word Education? Number of possible anagrams: 2. What are those words? Auctioned, Cautioned.

How many points in Scrabble can we earn for the words formed from the letters E,D,U,C,A,T,I,O,N?

The highest-scoring word that can be formed from the letters EDUCATION is the word Auctioned. The number of points that can be earned for it is: 12.The second highest-scoring word is the word Cautioned. The possible number of points is: 12.

How many letters does the word EDUCATION have? How many vowels and consonants does it have?

Word Education - number of letters: 9. The word Education contains vowels. The number of vowels is: 5. The list of vowels present in this word is: A, E, I, O, U. The word Education contains consonants. The number of consonants is: 4. The list of consonants present in this word is: C, D, N, T.

How to properly pronounce the word EDUCATION?

Letter Analysis - word EDUCATION

The word EDUCATION, after removing repeating characters, consists of the letters: A, C, D, E, I, N, O, T, U. Below, we will analyze each one of them.

The letter A in the word EDUCATION

Words that start with the letter A
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 16 0,1
3 89 0,6
4 261 1,7
5 715 4,5
6 1187 7,5
7 1767 11,2
8 2164 13,8
9 2471 15,7
10 2188 13,9
11 1797 11,4
12 1274 8,1
13 849 5,4
14 581 3,7
15 364 2,3
Words ending with the letter A
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 15 0,3
3 56 1,1
4 314 5,9
5 632 11,9
6 738 13,9
7 935 17,6
8 764 14,4
9 635 12,0
10 504 9,5
11 331 6,2
12 190 3,6
13 108 2,0
14 60 1,1
15 30 0,6
Occurrences of the letter A in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter A The number of words [%]
0 120405 45,0
1 110558 41,3
2 32580 12,2
3 3868 1,4
4 321 0,1
5 17 0,0
6 2 0,0

The letter C in the word EDUCATION

Words that start with the letter C
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 1 0,0
3 48 0,2
4 307 1,3
5 888 3,7
6 1756 7,3
7 2771 11,5
8 3578 14,8
9 3737 15,5
10 3344 13,9
11 2724 11,3
12 2069 8,6
13 1417 5,9
14 904 3,7
15 576 2,4
Words ending with the letter C
Number of letters The number of words [%]
3 25 0,4
4 39 0,6
5 124 2,1
6 291 4,8
7 465 7,7
8 749 12,5
9 874 14,6
10 985 16,4
11 945 15,7
12 704 11,7
13 422 7,0
14 248 4,1
15 133 2,2
Occurrences of the letter C in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter C The number of words [%]
0 183088 68,4
1 72018 26,9
2 11766 4,4
3 836 0,3
4 43 0,0

The letter D in the word EDUCATION

Words that start with the letter D
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 4 0,0
3 66 0,4
4 318 2,0
5 650 4,1
6 1138 7,1
7 1754 11,0
8 2156 13,5
9 2307 14,5
10 2155 13,5
11 1810 11,4
12 1438 9,0
13 1006 6,3
14 672 4,2
15 443 2,8
Words ending with the letter D
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 4 0,0
3 76 0,3
4 295 1,2
5 807 3,3
6 2482 10,3
7 3497 14,5
8 4430 18,4
9 4166 17,3
10 3400 14,1
11 2330 9,7
12 1398 5,8
13 671 2,8
14 384 1,6
15 157 0,7
Occurrences of the letter D in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter D The number of words [%]
0 195400 73,0
1 63632 23,8
2 8083 3,0
3 611 0,2
4 25 0,0

The letter E in the word EDUCATION

Words that start with the letter E
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 12 0,1
3 58 0,5
4 158 1,4
5 288 2,6
6 673 6,1
7 1169 10,6
8 1638 14,9
9 1830 16,6
10 1677 15,2
11 1279 11,6
12 958 8,7
13 653 5,9
14 371 3,4
15 266 2,4
Words ending with the letter E
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 14 0,1
3 107 0,4
4 689 2,5
5 1477 5,4
6 2627 9,6
7 3501 12,8
8 4448 16,3
9 4844 17,7
10 3621 13,2
11 2594 9,5
12 1630 6,0
13 985 3,6
14 527 1,9
15 286 1,0
Occurrences of the letter E in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter E The number of words [%]
0 81615 30,5
1 114602 42,8
2 55768 20,8
3 13772 5,1
4 1842 0,7
5 152 0,1

The letter I in the word EDUCATION

Words that start with the letter I
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 6 0,1
3 26 0,3
4 69 0,7
5 157 1,7
6 375 4,0
7 651 6,9
8 957 10,2
9 1232 13,1
10 1358 14,5
11 1341 14,3
12 1192 12,7
13 921 9,8
14 611 6,5
15 494 5,3
Words ending with the letter I
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 14 0,9
3 32 2,2
4 145 9,8
5 253 17,2
6 270 18,3
7 255 17,3
8 195 13,2
9 140 9,5
10 93 6,3
11 38 2,6
12 21 1,4
13 13 0,9
14 5 0,3
Occurrences of the letter I in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter I The number of words [%]
0 107284 40,1
1 111312 41,6
2 39717 14,8
3 8146 3,0
4 1170 0,4
5 113 0,0
6 9 0,0

The letter N in the word EDUCATION

Words that start with the letter N
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 5 0,1
3 50 0,8
4 160 2,6
5 317 5,1
6 467 7,5
7 661 10,7
8 762 12,3
9 878 14,1
10 789 12,7
11 648 10,4
12 537 8,7
13 428 6,9
14 295 4,8
15 208 3,4
Words ending with the letter N
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 5 0,0
3 82 0,7
4 252 2,2
5 512 4,4
6 1196 10,2
7 1431 12,3
8 1552 13,3
9 1423 12,2
10 1164 10,0
11 1114 9,5
12 982 8,4
13 891 7,6
14 646 5,5
15 421 3,6
Occurrences of the letter N in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter N The number of words [%]
0 137492 51,4
1 100778 37,6
2 25878 9,7
3 3322 1,2
4 268 0,1
5 13 0,0

The letter O in the word EDUCATION

Words that start with the letter O
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 16 0,2
3 68 0,8
4 155 1,8
5 257 3,0
6 488 5,7
7 842 9,8
8 1293 15,0
9 1401 16,3
10 1287 15,0
11 1031 12,0
12 722 8,4
13 469 5,5
14 345 4,0
15 230 2,7
Words ending with the letter O
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 17 1,0
3 52 2,9
4 206 11,6
5 365 20,5
6 319 17,9
7 265 14,9
8 257 14,4
9 148 8,3
10 93 5,2
11 35 2,0
12 14 0,8
13 10 0,6
14 2 0,1
Occurrences of the letter O in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter O The number of words [%]
0 143337 53,5
1 92065 34,4
2 27771 10,4
3 4176 1,6
4 393 0,1
5 9 0,0

The letter T in the word EDUCATION

Words that start with the letter T
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 4 0,0
3 71 0,5
4 349 2,5
5 787 5,7
6 1331 9,6
7 1937 13,9
8 2176 15,6
9 2009 14,4
10 1661 11,9
11 1326 9,5
12 944 6,8
13 633 4,5
14 425 3,1
15 266 1,9
Words ending with the letter T
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 5 0,0
3 93 0,7
4 436 3,4
5 710 5,5
6 1220 9,4
7 1781 13,8
8 2487 19,2
9 2215 17,1
10 1478 11,4
11 994 7,7
12 666 5,1
13 450 3,5
14 270 2,1
15 135 1,0
Occurrences of the letter T in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter T The number of words [%]
0 139915 52,3
1 98923 36,9
2 26273 9,8
3 2558 1,0
4 82 0,0

The letter U in the word EDUCATION

Words that start with the letter U
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 8 0,1
3 27 0,3
4 61 0,7
5 178 2,0
6 563 6,2
7 858 9,5
8 1257 13,9
9 1411 15,6
10 1410 15,5
11 1083 11,9
12 874 9,6
13 638 7,0
14 408 4,5
15 294 3,2
Words ending with the letter U
Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 6 1,7
3 29 8,2
4 74 20,9
5 63 17,8
6 66 18,6
7 59 16,7
8 34 9,6
9 14 4,0
10 6 1,7
11 2 0,6
12 1 0,3
Occurrences of the letter U in English words
Number of occurrences of the letter U The number of words [%]
0 195000 72,8
1 65292 24,4
2 7061 2,6
3 371 0,1
4 26 0,0
5 1 0,0

The number of letters in the word EDUCATION: 9

Below we present the statistics of the occurrence of other 9-letter words in English. Analysis by first and last letter

Compilation of 9-letter words, sorted by the first letter
The first letter in the word The number of words [%]
A 2471 6,1
B 2356 5,8
C 3737 9,2
D 2307 5,7
E 1830 4,5
F 1643 4,0
G 1291 3,2
H 1435 3,5
I 1232 3,0
J 312 0,8
K 383 0,9
L 1100 2,7
M 2217 5,4
N 878 2,2
O 1401 3,4
P 3467 8,5
Q 206 0,5
R 2269 5,6
S 4904 12,0
T 2009 4,9
U 1411 3,5
V 703 1,7
W 882 2,2
X 44 0,1
Y 86 0,2
Z 153 0,4
Summary of words with 9 letters, according to the letter they end with
The last letter in the word The number of words [%]
A 635 1,6
B 22 0,1
C 874 2,1
D 4166 10,2
E 4844 11,9
F 58 0,1
G 3347 8,2
H 453 1,1
I 140 0,3
K 357 0,9
L 1076 2,6
M 759 1,9
N 1423 3,5
O 148 0,4
P 138 0,3
R 2074 5,1
S 15614 38,3
T 2215 5,4
U 14 0,0
V 1 0,0
W 43 0,1
X 43 0,1
Y 2274 5,6
Z 9 0,0

Searching for words similar to the word EDUCATION

If you are looking for words similar to the word EDUCATION - use the advanced or simple word search available on our website. The advanced word search allows you to use search patterns, including those utilizing regular expressions. In the simplified version - you enter the letters that should appear in the searched words. Links below.

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