Words that start with the letter I

Words that start with the letter I - English language, analysis

In English, there are 9390 words that start with the letter I

Words starting with the letter 'I' are an interesting and diverse group in the English language. They can be found across different contexts and carry various meanings. From simple words like "ice" and "ink" to more complex terms like "incipient" and "illuminate," the letter 'I' is pivotal in English vocabulary.

One fascinating fact about 'I' words is their prevalence in the world of science and technology. For instance, the word "innovation" is often used to describe new and groundbreaking advancements. Similarly, "infrastructure" is a term widely utilized in engineering and urban planning.

In the realm of emotions and human experiences, the letter 'I' introduces us to such words as "inspiration" and "intuition." These words embody the essence of internal feelings and mental states.

In literature, the letter 'I' holds significance with words such as "imagery" and "irony," both of which are crucial literary devices that enhance narrative and express complex ideas. For example, "imagery" helps paint vivid pictures in the reader's mind, while "irony" usually involves a contrast between expectations and reality, adding depth and intrigue to the storyline.

Besides these specific examples, 'I' words are quite versatile and are frequently used in everyday language. Simple interactions involve 'I' words like "introduce," "invite," and "inform," proving just how integral they are in our daily communications. Exploring words starting with the letter 'I' opens up an array of possibilities and enriches one's understanding of the English language.

Words starting with the letter I - occurrence statistics in English

Words starting with the letter I - occurrence

Below we present the statistics of the occurrence of words in the English language starting with the letter I

Words that start with the letter I

Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 6 0,1
3 26 0,3
4 69 0,7
5 157 1,7
6 375 4,0
7 651 6,9
8 957 10,2
9 1232 13,1
10 1358 14,5
11 1341 14,3
12 1192 12,7
13 921 9,8
14 611 6,5
15 494 5,3

Words ending with the letter I - occurrence

Below we present the statistics of the occurrence of words in English ending with the letter I

Words ending with the letter I

Number of letters The number of words [%]
2 14 0,9
3 32 2,2
4 145 9,8
5 253 17,2
6 270 18,3
7 255 17,3
8 195 13,2
9 140 9,5
10 93 6,3
11 38 2,6
12 21 1,4
13 13 0,9
14 5 0,3

Occurrence frequency of the letter I

Frequency statistics, occurrence frequency of the letter I in English words.

Occurrences of the letter I in English words

Number of occurrences of the letter I The number of words [%]
0 107284 40,1
1 111312 41,6
2 39717 14,8
3 8146 3,0
4 1170 0,4
5 113 0,0
6 9 0,0

Searching for words with the letter I

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