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Words from letters AFFECTATIONS

12 letter words:


11 letter words:


10 letter words:

affections18, fantastico15, catatonies12,

9 letter words:

affection17, affiances17, fantastic14, fascinate14, fatiscent14, fetations12, caseation11, taconites11,

8 letter words:

affiance16, caffeins16, affiants14, taffetas14, toffiest14, confetti13, factions13, fanatics13, fanciest13, fasciate13, faintest11, fantasie11, fetation11, fistnote11, aconites10, canoeist10, cantates10, cantiest10, castanet10, centoist10, constate10, entastic10, estancia10, nictates10, oscitant10, oscitate10, sonicate10, stenotic10, taconite10, tactions10, tetanics10, tonetics10, astatine8, sanitate8, tanaiste8,

7 letter words:

affects15, caffein15, castoff15, coffins15, coiffes15, fanfics15, offcast15, offices15, scaffie15, affiant13, affines13, infefts13, naffest13, saffian13, stiffen13, taffeta13, taffias13, taffies13, toffies13, caftans12, confest12, confits12, faction12, fanatic12, fancies12, fasciae12, fascine12, fiances12, infects12, antifat10, fainest10, fantast10, fattens10, fatties10, naifest10, acetins9, acinose9, aconite9, actants9, actions9, anoetic9, astatic9, atocias9, atonics9, attonce9, caniest9, cantate9, cantest9, catenas9, cations9, catties9, cineast9, coaitas9, contest9, costate9, costean9, cottise9, ectasia9, entotic9, nictate9, notices9, octanes9, octants9, sacaton9, satanic9, scottie9, section9, sociate9, statice9, taction9, tetanic9, tietacs9, tonetic9, anattos7, atonias7, atonies7, attains7, attones7, entasia7, instate7, notates7, ostiate7, satiate7, satinet7, snottie7, station7, taenias7, toastie7, toniest7, tonites7,

6 letter words:

affect14, coffin14, coiffe14, fanfic14, office14, affies12, affine12, infeft12, offset12, setoff12, soffit12, taffia12, caftan11, confit11, facets11, faciae11, facias11, facies11, factis11, fascia11, fascio11, fiance11, fiasco11, ficoes11, fincas11, infect11, aftosa9, faenas9, faines9, faints9, fasten9, fastie9, fatsia9, fatten9, feints9, fettas9, fients9, fiesta9, finest9, fitnas9, fittes9, infest9, nefast9, oftest9, soften9, softie9, tafias9, acates8, acetin8, actant8, actins8, action8, actons8, aeonic8, anetic8, antics8, ascent8, ascian8, atocia8, atonic8, attics8, canoes8, cantos8, casein8, casino8, casita8, catena8, cation8, cattie8, centai8, centas8, centos8, cestoi8, coaita8, coates8, coatis8, conias8, conies8, contes8, cosine8, costae8, cotans8, cotise8, cottae8, cottas8, enacts8, enatic8, eniacs8, icones8, incase8, incest8, insect8, intact8, nastic8, nicest8, noetic8, notice8, oceans8, octane8, octans8, octant8, octets8, oecist8, oscine8, sancai8, sancta8, sceatt8, scient8, scotia8, secant8, stacte8, stance8, static8, tacans8, tacets8, tietac8, tincts8, tocsin8, tonics8, anatto6, ansate6, astone6, atones6, atonia6, attain6, attone6, ettins6, istana6, notate6, ostent6, seitan6, sitten6, sonata6, statin6, stotin6, taenia6, taints6, tanist6, taties6, tatsoi6, tenias6, teston6, tineas6, tisane6, titans6, tonies6, tonite6,

5 letter words:

caffs13, coffs13, scaff13, scoff13, fiefs11, fifes11, naffs11, niffs11, sniff11, staff11, stiff11, teffs11, tiffs11, toffs11, cafes10, coifs10, confs10, faces10, facet10, facia10, facts10, fasci10, fecit10, fices10, ficos10, finca10, faena8, faine8, fains8, faint8, fanes8, fanos8, fasti8, fates8, fatso8, feast8, feats8, feint8, feist8, fenis8, fents8, festa8, fetas8, fetta8, fetts8, fiats8, fient8, fiest8, fines8, finos8, fitna8, fitte8, fitts8, foins8, foist8, fonts8, infos8, naifs8, neifs8, niefs8, nifes8, often8, snift8, softa8, tafia8, tifts8, tofts8, acais7, aceta7, acnes7, actin7, acton7, aecia7, antic7, ascot7, atocs7, attic7, cains7, canes7, canoe7, canso7, canst7, canto7, cants7, caste7, cates7, cento7, cents7, cesta7, cesti7, ciaos7, cines7, cions7, cites7, coast7, coate7, coati7, coats7, coins7, coits7, cones7, conia7, conte7, coset7, cosie7, costa7, coste7, cotan7, cotes7, cotta7, cotts7, enact7, eniac7, escot7, estoc7, icons7, ocean7, octan7, octas7, octet7, onces7, oncet7, ontic7, saice7, scant7, scatt7, sceat7, scena7, scent7, scion7, scone7, since7, sonce7, sonic7, stoic7, tacan7, taces7, tacet7, tacit7, tacos7, tacts7, tecta7, tices7, tinct7, tonic7, aeons5, anise5, anoas5, ansae5, antae5, antas5, antes5, antis5, atone5, entia5, eosin5, etats5, etnas5, ettin5, inset5, iotas5, isnae5, nates5, natis5, neats5, neist5, netts5, nites5, noise5, notes5, oaten5, oints5, onset5, ostia5, saine5, saint5, santo5, satai5, satin5, senti5, seton5, sient5, stain5, stane5, state5, stean5, stein5, steno5, stent5, stint5, stoae5, stoai5, stoat5, stoit5, stone5, tains5, taint5, taits5, tanas5, tanti5, tanto5, taste5, tates5, tatie5, teats5, tenia5, tents5, testa5, tinea5, tines5, tints5, titan5, toast5, toeas5, toise5, toits5, tones5, totes5,

4 letter words:

caff12, coff12, effs10, fief10, fife10, naff10, niff10, offs10, teff10, tiff10, toff10, cafe9, coft9, coif9, conf9, face9, fact9, fice9, fico9, fisc9, foci9, efts7, faan7, faas7, fain7, fane7, fano7, fans7, fast7, fate7, fats7, feat7, feis7, feni7, fens7, fent7, fest7, feta7, fets7, fett7, fiat7, fine7, fino7, fins7, fist7, fits7, fitt7, foen7, foes7, foin7, fone7, fons7, font7, info7, naif7, nefs7, neif7, nief7, nife7, oafs7, safe7, saft7, seif7, sift7, sofa7, soft7, tefs7, tift7, toft7, acai6, aces6, acne6, acta6, acts6, aesc6, ance6, asci6, atoc6, caas6, cain6, cane6, cans6, cant6, casa6, case6, cast6, cate6, cats6, ceas6, cens6, cent6, ciao6, cine6, cion6, cist6, cite6, cito6, cits6, coat6, coin6, coit6, cone6, coni6, cons6, cose6, cost6, cote6, cots6, cott6, ecos6, etic6, ices6, icon6, nice6, ocas6, octa6, once6, otic6, saic6, scan6, scat6, scot6, seco6, sect6, sice6, soca6, tace6, taco6, tact6, tecs6, tice6, tics6, tocs6, aeon4, aias4, aine4, ains4, aits4, anas4, anes4, anis4, anoa4, ansa4, anta4, ante4, anti4, ants4, asea4, ates4, eans4, east4, eats4, eina4, eoan4, eons4, etas4, etat4, etna4, into4, ions4, iota4, isna4, itas4, naoi4, naos4, nats4, neat4, nest4, nets4, nett4, nies4, nite4, nits4, noes4, nose4, nota4, note4, nott4, oast4, oats4, oint4, ones4, onie4, onst4, sain4, sane4, sant4, sate4, sati4, sean4, seat4, sena4, sent4, seta4, sett4, sien4, sine4, site4, snit4, snot4, sone4, stat4, sten4, stet4, stie4, stoa4, stot4, taes4, tain4, tais4, tait4, tana4, tane4, tans4, taos4, tate4, tats4, teas4, teat4, tens4, tent4, test4, tets4, ties4, tine4, tins4, tint4, tite4, tits4, toea4, toes4, toit4, tone4, tons4, tosa4, tose4, tost4, tote4, tots4,

3 letter words:

aff9, eff9, iff9, off9, aft6, efs6, eft6, faa6, fae6, fan6, fas6, fat6, fen6, fes6, fet6, fie6, fin6, fit6, foe6, fon6, ifs6, nef6, oaf6, oft6, sif6, tef6, ace5, act5, caa5, can5, cat5, cis5, cit5, con5, cos5, cot5, eco5, ice5, oca5, sac5, sec5, sic5, soc5, tec5, tic5, toc5, aas3, aia3, ain3, ais3, ait3, ana3, ane3, ani3, ant3, ate3, att3, ean3, eas3, eat3, ens3, eon3, est3, eta3, ins3, ion3, ios3, iso3, ita3, its3, nae3, nas3, nat3, net3, nie3, nis3, nit3, nos3, not3, oat3, oes3, one3, ons3, ose3, sae3, sai3, san3, sat3, sea3, sei3, sen3, set3, sin3, sit3, son3, sot3, tae3, tai3, tan3, tao3, tas3, tat3, tea3, ten3, tes3, tet3, tie3, tin3, tis3, tit3, toe3, ton3, tot3,

2 letter words:

ef5, fa5, fe5, if5, of5, aa2, ae2, ai2, an2, as2, at2, ea2, en2, es2, et2, in2, io2, is2, it2, na2, ne2, no2, oe2, oi2, on2, os2, si2, so2, st2, ta2, te2, ti2, to2,

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