Acceptable 5 letter words for Scrabble and Word with Friends starting with the letter a

By clicking on the selected word you will receive a list of words, words and anagrams that can be composed of its letters.

amiga8 amigo8 amine7 amino7 amins7 amirs7 amiss7 amity10 amlas7 amman9 ammon9 ammos9 amnia7 amnic9 amnio7 amoks11 amole7 among8 amort7 amour7 amove10 amowt10 amped10 ample9 amply12 ampul9 amrit7 amuck13 amuse7 amyls10 anana5 anata5 ancho10 ancle7 ancon7 andro6 anear5 anele5 anent5 angas6 angel6 anger6 angle6 anglo6 angry9 angst6 anigh9 anile5 anils5 anima7 anime7 animi7 anion5 anise5 anker9 ankhs12 ankle9 ankus9 anlas5 annal5 annas5 annat5 annex12 annoy8 annul5 anoas5 anode6 anole5 anomy10 ansae5 antae5 antar5 antas5 anted6 antes5 antic7 antis5 antra5 antre5 antsy8 anvil8 anyon8 aorta5 apace9 apage8 apaid8 apart7 apayd11 apays10 apeak11 apeek11 apers7 apert7 apery10 apgar8 aphid11 aphis10 apian7 aping8 apiol7 apish10 apism9 apnea7 apode8 apods8 apoop9 aport7 appal9 appay12 appel9 apple9 apply12 appro9 appui9 appuy12 apres7 apron7 apses7 apsis7 apsos7 apted8 apter7 aptly10 aquae14 aquas14 araba7 araks9 arame7 arars5 arbas7 arbor7 arced8 arcus7 ardeb8 ardor6 ardri6 aread6 areae5 areal5 arear5 areas5 areca7 aredd7 arede6 arefy11 areic7 arena5 arene5 arepa7 arere5 arete5 arets5 arett5 argal6 argan6 argil6 argle6 argol6 argon6 argot6 argue6 argus6 arhat8 arias5 ariel5 ariki9 arils5 ariot5 arise5 arish8 arked10 arled6 arles5 armed8 armer7 armet7 armil7 armor7 arnas5 arnut5 aroba7 aroha8 aroid6 aroma7 arose5 arpas7 arpen7 arrah8 arras5 array8 arret5 arris5 arrow8 arsed6 arses5 arsey8 arsis5 arson5 artal5 artel5 artic7 artis5 artsy8 aruhe8 arums7 arval8 arvos8 aryls8 asana5 ascot7 ascus7 asdic8 ashed9 ashen8 ashes8 ashet8 aside6 asked10 asker9 askew12 askoi9 askos9 aspen7 asper7 aspic9 aspis7 aspro7 assai5 assam7 assay8 asses5 asset5 assez14 assot5 aster5 astir5 astun5 asway11 aswim10 asyla8 ataps7 ataxy15 atigi6 atilt5 atimy10 atlas5 atman7 atmas7 atocs7 atoke9 atoks9 atoll5 atoms7 atomy10 atone5 atony8 atopy10 atria5 atrip7 attap7 attar5 attic7 atuas5 audad7 audio6 audit6 auger6 aught9 augur6 aulas5 aulic7 auloi5 aulos5 aumil7 aunes5 aunts5 aunty8 aurae5 aural5 aurar5 auras5 aurei5 aures5 auric7 auris5 aurum7 autos5 auxin12 avail8 avale8 avant8 avast8 avels8 avens8 avers8 avert8 avgas9 avian8 avine8 avion8 avise8 aviso8 avize17 avoid9 avows11 avyze20 await8 awake12 award9 aware8 awarn8 awash11 awato8 awave11 aways11 awdls9 aweel8 aweto8 awful11 awing9 awmry13 awned9 awner8 awoke12 awols8 awork12 axels12 axial12 axile12 axils12 axing13 axiom14 axion12 axite12 axled13 axles12 axman14 axmen14 axoid13 axone12 axons12 ayahs11 ayelp10 aygre9 ayins8 ayont8 ayres8 ayrie8 azans14 azide15
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