In English, we have 5454 words with 4 letters - below you can see which ones...
Unlock the Power of 4-Letter Words!
If you're a fan of word games, you know the importance of 4-letter words. These concise words can be the key to winning various games like Scrabble, Words with Friends, and many more! Not only are they easy to remember, but they can also be surprisingly versatile. In this article, we will explore everything you need to know about 4-letter words, including tips on how to find them, their significance in gameplay, and some interesting trivia.
Why Focus on 4-Letter Words?
But how do you efficiently identify 4-letter words from a jumble of letters? Utilizing our dedicated tool for 4-letter words can save you time and enhance your gameplay experience. Simply input the available letters and let our technology do the work!
Interesting Facts About 4-Letter Words:
Mastering 4-letter words can provide you with a competitive edge in word games, allowing you to maximize your score while also expanding your vocabulary. So why wait? Dive into our tools and discover a world of words today!
Below we present the statistics of the occurrence of 4-letter words, quantity by first letter
The first letter in the word | The number of words | [%] |
A | 261 | 4,8 |
B | 341 | 6,3 |
C | 307 | 5,6 |
D | 318 | 5,8 |
E | 158 | 2,9 |
F | 251 | 4,6 |
G | 269 | 4,9 |
H | 255 | 4,7 |
I | 69 | 1,3 |
J | 122 | 2,2 |
K | 201 | 3,7 |
L | 273 | 5,0 |
M | 307 | 5,6 |
N | 160 | 2,9 |
O | 155 | 2,8 |
P | 341 | 6,3 |
Q | 19 | 0,3 |
R | 258 | 4,7 |
S | 482 | 8,8 |
T | 349 | 6,4 |
U | 61 | 1,1 |
V | 110 | 2,0 |
W | 212 | 3,9 |
X | 1 | 0,0 |
Y | 119 | 2,2 |
Z | 55 | 1,0 |
Below we present the statistics of words with 4 letters, quantities according to the letter they end with.
The last letter in the word | The number of words | [%] |
A | 314 | 5,8 |
B | 79 | 1,4 |
C | 39 | 0,7 |
D | 295 | 5,4 |
E | 689 | 12,6 |
F | 114 | 2,1 |
G | 138 | 2,5 |
H | 152 | 2,8 |
I | 145 | 2,7 |
J | 3 | 0,1 |
K | 273 | 5,0 |
L | 251 | 4,6 |
M | 141 | 2,6 |
N | 252 | 4,6 |
O | 206 | 3,8 |
P | 179 | 3,3 |
R | 180 | 3,3 |
S | 1080 | 19,8 |
T | 436 | 8,0 |
U | 74 | 1,4 |
V | 12 | 0,2 |
W | 72 | 1,3 |
X | 31 | 0,6 |
Y | 262 | 4,8 |
Z | 37 | 0,7 |
In the following link, you will find a list of distributions of 4-letter words, including those with 4-letter words. Additionally, there is information about the frequency of each letter occurring in all English words, including those with 4 letters. The list of words is available in EXCEL (xlsx) format.
If you are looking for 4-letter words, use the advanced or simple word search available on our website. The advanced word search allows you to use search patterns, including those using regular expressions. In the simplified version, you enter the letters that should appear in the searched words. Links below.